Kyle Godfrey started attending the Powers-Ginsburg Saturday Sports Program when it began in the fall of 2009. He was just out of the sixth grade. Since then, he has become a volunteer for the program, where his focus has shifted from competition and entertainment to making a difference in the lives of children who currently attend.
ENP News
Why Do People Volunteer?
The past few months have been an intense time of service in our city. If you had a chance to read our recent newsletter you saw the numbers: 42 churches, 2,500 volunteers, 19,000 volunteer hours. It’s very evident that the people of Fresno and Clovis have the heart to love and serve our city. But why do people volunteer?
But why do people volunteer?
Preterm Birth, Infant Mortality & Neighborhood Life
Two years ago I was asked to sit on a steering committee focused on learning why Fresno County has such a high amount of preterm babies (born before 37 weeks gestation). We were also pondering why our African-American moms were losing their babies at a rate that matches those of under-developed countries in Africa.
You may wonder what preterm birth and infant mortality have to do with ENP and it’s work in our schools and neighborhoods.
2016 Annual Report
This annual report gives you a visual glance at the work that happened throughout 2016. This work happens because of you! You are impacting our community in ways that the mayor, superintendent and many other city leaders have noticed. We are thankful for your partnership!
Click here and donate to expand the impact, and reach more kids in every neighborhood! 2016 Highlights & Infographic
At ENP we believe that we are most satisfied when we are giving our lives away to something bigger than ourselves. We have found our passion. Serving schools and neighborhoods.
If serving with ENP in our schools and neighborhoods isn’t your passion we wanted to find a way for you to use your unique gifts and abilities. That is why we create makes it easy to find projects and volunteer opportunities across our city. As we look back at what 2016 we were blown away by the website traffic and usage of the Serve Fresno site.
Order Your ENP T-Shirt Today!
Update: If you want a Serve Fresno T-Shirt we did order extras… email to see if we have your size in!
We love Fresno.
We love the people of Fresno.
We have given our lives to this work.
We know you do too.
As a staff we wanted to design a t-shirt that would help us express the love we have for Fresno and share the work/message of ENP. We will be doing a short run of these For the Love of Fresno T-Shirts. Order yours today! $25.
Meet Kristin . . . and be inspired!
One of the greatest joys of being a part of Every Neighborhood Partnership is the opportunity I have to meet some amazing people. I would like to introduce you to Kristin, a high school student who is giving back and inviting her friends and classmates at Bullard High to do the same!
Thanks for sharing your story, Kristin!
ENP Gathering
To you our donors & supporters…
Thank you for being an amazing champion and friend of ENP! Because of you:
- This semester alone, hundreds of kids are being impacted at 31 Saturday Sports programs, hosted by volunteers from our partnership churches and organizations. Kids like Larissa.
- Volunteers are understanding our city and redefining their calling because of your support. Volunteers like Qianlin.
- In 2016 alone we have trained over 756 individuals through our equipping events. Events like City Scope.
Us vs. Them: The Need for Unity in the Church
If there is anything that has become apparent in the latest national and political season, it is that we are a divided nation, politically and racially.
If you don’t trust me, just get on Facebook. Geez. The infighting, the name-calling – the distrust is clear. How are we supposed to change our neighborhood, city, nation or world if we think everyone else is the problem?
As we look for solutions, you would think the church of Jesus Christ would be an example of civility and unity, but sadly it isn’t.
Recent research shows 86% of congregations are made up of one predominant racial group. That may not be surprising, but what was to me is that most churchgoers were content with the ethnic status quo in an increasingly diverse world. We are fine being with people who are like us and who like us.[1]
Bloom Where You’re Planted – Or Maybe Uproot Yourself
You have probably heard the short catchphrase, “Bloom where you are planted!” The phrase is meant to encourage us to dig deep into the areas where we live, work and play. But have we ever stopped to question the premise? Have we ever asked ourselves, “Where should I plant myself?”