ENP News

God Doesn’t Take a Vacation

We made it to the end of another school year! Phew!

Summer is always a good time for me to PAUSE (and rest), REFLECT (and evaluate) PLAN (and dream for the year ahead).  At the end of the school year I am always ready for a little break. But it didn’t take long for God to remind me that He does NOT take a summer vacation and is still prompting my heart.

Carol YoungGod Doesn’t Take a Vacation
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A snapshot of 2015

Each year we produce an Annual Report to highlight the year that passed and the impact made in our city by servant hearted people from our partnership churches, organizations and universities.

andrewfeilA snapshot of 2015
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poner mi granito de arena

poner mi granito de arena
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contribute my grain of sand
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As a high school student in my hometown of Madera, I began to participate in my community. I volunteered with various nonprofits, particularly those that engaged with immigrant and farm working families. I had a heart for people, and discovered my passion for serving.

andrewfeilponer mi granito de arena
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The Heart of Fresno

Fresno is an interesting city to study. We have segments of our city that want to be upscale and edgy. We have our old school parts of town that want to make time slow to a crawl so it doesn’t become part of the hustle and bustle of a growing city.  There are the techie folks and the immigrant farm workers, all wanting an opportunity to not only survive, but to grow and thrive.

andrewfeilThe Heart of Fresno
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“This is so much fun!” I cherish those words I heard from students on my first day as a volunteer at Ericson Saturday Sports!

ENP’s mission is to “to connect churches and community partners to elementary schools and to equip them to serve through their active presence in every neighborhood.” What it boils down to is being a better neighbor.

andrewfeil“THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!”
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The Privilege I Never Knew I Had

So much ink has been spilled recently around the racial tension that has been swamping our nation. This is politically and theologically charged stuff. I do not write this thinking I will convince you of anything, but to just share how I came to a paradigm-shifting idea of my own privilege and what it means to live and love like Jesus.

andrewfeilThe Privilege I Never Knew I Had
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More than a Carnival

On Saturday, October 31st, Central Community Church & Highway City Community Development hosted a Fall Festival with carnival games and a resource fair for the entire neighborhood. Nearly 1000 people attending throughout the day, but it was so much more than a carnival!

andrewfeilMore than a Carnival
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It’s the beginning of a new school year!  Remember what it was like? New teacher, old friends and lots of new faces.

   Jose, Bethani and Andrew have joined the ENP team

We have some new faces at ENP, too, and would love for you to meet them.

Jose Chavez will be assisting Brenda with Parent Engagement, currently at 4 school sites. The heart of Parent Engagement is to build up the capacity of our parents and connect them to each other, the school system and the larger neighborhood opportunities. We believe our parents are leaders and want to help give them the tools and opportunities to shape their schools and neighborhood.

“I am beyond excited and blessed to be a part of ENP. I am doing what I love and look forward to learning and exploring new experiences with our parent engagement groups, and very excited about our bimonthly meetings where I will be meeting new parents to build a unique relationship. I know that parents will grow greatly this year and that is my number one goal.”

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Bethani Montgomery has joined the ENP team as part time Admin (and SO MUCH MORE!)  Her gifts and talents are vast and she has a contagious smile and love for kiddos and our schools. She will spend most of her time behind a computer and connecting with partnership volunteers, but don’t be surprised if you see her behind a camera at Saturday Sports and other ENP events.

“I’m looking forward to learning more about Fresno and the needs in our city, along with meeting new faces in our community.”

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Andrew Feil has joined ENP as Assistant Director.  He will work alongside Artie to support our existing partnerships, financial development, and help build the ENP infrastructure in order to expand upon on work.

“I am looking  forward to getting connected to the ENP Family! Meeting all the partnership leaders, supporters, school staff, etc. “I am excited to hear from them about their school and community. Overall just really pumped to be with ENP and continue the good work!

As a team. we look forward to providing a deeper level of equipping this coming ye!r  for our leaders, our churches, and structure that will give many people an even greater opportunity to love and serve our city.

You will be hearing from us!

andrewfeilNEW FACES AT ENP
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