Serving Our Neighborhoods

Saturday Sports

 “Just go outside and play.”

Do those words bring back memories from your childhood? Playing outside was what most kids did for fun, but it isn’t quite as simple today as it was back then.

SATURDAY SPORTS will be up and running, full force by mid September at 32 sites all over Fresno. The majority of the programs are in SE & SW Fresno, where sitting in the house, watching TV, or playing video games are more common activities for kids in many of our neighborhoods.

SATURDAY SPORTS gives kids the opportunity to go outside and play, not only in a safe “green space”, but with folks who deeply care about them and want to make an impact in their lives.  That’s why so many churches see Saturday Sports as a simple outreach and great way to connect with kids and families and ultimately find many ways other ways to love and serve our city.

Map showing partnerships that offer Saturday Sports Programs

Last year more than 2,200 kids had the opportunity to “go outside and play” at Saturday Sports, and it’s so much more than SPORTS!  Crafts, games, fun . . . and of course, sports, if you want.  But more like it was “back in the day” when kids went outside to jump rope, play four-square, shoot hoops with dad, or play a game of baseball in the street with friends.

More Saturday Sports programs are needed in Fresno!  There are lots of kids who would love to play outside, and need people in their lives to love them, and encourage them, and help them see their value and potential.

Northpointe Church has been hosting a Saturday Sports Program at Toby Lawless Elementary for the past 4 years.  A real impact is being made in the lives of these kids!  Check out the video and see for yourself.

After you watch it, ask yourself if can think of a church that might be interested in coming alongside and supporting an existing Saturday Sports Program, or if you know folks who might like to volunteer to take attendance each week at one of the Saturday Sports sites.  We also need several volunteers each week to pick up lunches at Poverello House and deliver them to Saturday Sports.  Financial donations are also welcome.

There are lots of ways to love and serve our city, and most importantly, give these kids a chance to be kids!

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about ENP.  We love helping folks get connected to serve!

Donations Welcome

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Parents Advocating for a Better Blackstone

Even through the Summer our partnership parents from Susan B. Anthony Elementary and Yokomi Elementary are learning and working together and be advocates for their communities through their involvement in the Better Blackstone project. As they take a closer look at their neighborhood they envision walkable sidewalks, revitalized businesses, bike lanes, cross walks and a shady bus stop with benches. All of which are elements of a healthy and flourishing corridor.

Parents gathered in early July and walked from Divisadero to Olive on both Abby and Blackstone, taking pictures and observing the assets and needs in their neighborhood.  The ultimate goal: to identify broken sidewalks, missing cross walks, missing waste baskets and any other areas that could be improved to make a healthy, safe, walkable community. 

They are excited and empowered by this role they are playing.  It’s just one more step in helping parents see the important role they can play as volunteers and leaders in their school and neighborhood.

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On August 7th neighbors will come together to Imagine the Possibilities for Blackstone.

Blackstone neighbors will be sharing their findings through a photography display. This “Photovoice/Fotovoz” project will highlight the healthy and unhealthy aspects of  daily life in this neighborhood. Through this project they are learning to be positive and proactive as they work together for a better neighborhood.

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Brenda Bravo
Every Neighborhood Partnership
Parent Engagement Coordinator

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Great Fun Hoopin’ it Up!

The gates opened at 9am on Saturday morning and kids began to arrive to “Hoop It Up”! They had fun hanging out with friends and practicing until it was their time to compete.

The boys were ready to compete!

There was one little girl however, who was looking a little sad.  We asked her what was wrong.  She quietly replied, “The boys said that girls can’t play basketball.”  We reminded her that was NOT the case and ushered her over to the check-in table.  She signed in, put her blue t-shirt on and began practicing.

Kids in our partnership neighborhoods don’t have many opportunities to participate in competitions like Hoop It Up. This was a morning of fun for them and a new experience for many.

patiently waiting their turn

89 kids participated from nine different schools. Each child received a very cool Hoop It Up t-shirt (thanks to our awesome sponsors) and then waited for their turn at the free throw line. Everyone had fun!

. . . some kids needed a little extra help 1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals were awarded at the end of the morning in all age categories


Fun morning for everyone!


GREAT group of volunteers!

Thanks to our great group of volunteers who had fun interacting with the kids & helped make Hoop It Up a huge success!

 Kids had the chance to compete (a new experience for many of them).
–  It was another opportunity to promote health and fitness.
–  Hoop it up brought more awareness of the value of Saturday Sports and the need for mentoring kids in our Fresno Neighborhoods
–  and we raised enough money to purchase sports equipment for 30+ Saturday Sports Programs that will start up again in the fall!

Thank to Kaiser Permanente, J&D Foods, Fresno Housing Authority, Cargill, Torosian & Walter, NY Life, Spirit Radio, Fresno Breast Surgery, Spike & Rail, Holiday Inn Swan Court, FS Lawn, Bobby Salazar’s, and a lot other friends of ENP who helped sponsor kids to compete in the event!

We also want to thank Principal Tharpe for allowing us to Hoop It Up at Olmos Elementary!

Special thanks to Walgreens who not only provided unlimited water for everyone, but came in person to hand it out throughout the morning AND even helped with the competition.

Thanks also to the Fresno State Nonprofit Management Class and Professor Zhanna Bagdasarov who assisted ENP in planning and seeking sponsorships for Hoop It Up!

This day was a beautiful picture of MANY in our community coming together for the kids!  We at ENP value the partnerships we have with churches, businesses, universities, and our schools and know that Fresno is a better place because there are SO MANY who want to be part of the transformation!

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ALSO WORTH NOTING: The first medal was awarded to A GIRL!  Who said “girls can’t play basketball” anyway!

* The first medal was awarded to A GIRL!!!

andrewfeilGreat Fun Hoopin’ it Up!
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Let’s “Hoop It Up” for our Kids!

On the morning of Saturday, May 30th, Olmos Elementary will be filled with kids trying to reach a goal as they compete with other kids their age in ENP’s Hoop it Up Basketball Competition.

THEIR GOAL: To make baskets from various spots on the key and get points for each basket!


ENP has several goals for the day as well!
The purpose of this event is to promote the importance of physical activity, bring awareness of the value and need for mentoring kids in our Fresno neighborhoods, and raise funds for Saturday Sports.


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– Participants will receive an event t-shirt
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Medals will be given
in each of the following categories:

1st grade and under
2nd-4th grade
5th-6th grade}
7th-8th grade
High School

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We are also looking for folks who would like to sponsor a child from one of our partnership neighborhoods to participate in the event.


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. . . not to BE served, BUT TO SERVE

More than 150 projects took place during Serve Fresno Week, with 40+ churches participating. There were 11 park clean-ups, 6 school beautification projects, and 1000’s of hours of raking, shoveling, cleaning, beautifying, painting, blessing, playing, crafting, tutoring, bike fixing, advocating and encouraging!

Projects blessed many non-profit organizations, including Poverello House, Youth for Christ, Rescue the Children, Campus Life, Spirit of Woman, Community Food Bank and Marjaree Mason Center.  The data is truly impressive, but it’s the stories that share impact!

In the Sequoia Neighborhood, two projects were coordinated by Clovis Hills in coordination with the principal and vice principal at Sequoia Middle School. They invited students, parents and staff to join them for an alley clean-up project on Thursday and a campus beautification on Saturday.

The relationship that has been built over the years between Clovis Hills and Sequoia is a true partnership, evident by the church’s presence neighborhood throughout the year.  They are seeing the value of including students, staff and families. We will enjoy watching this partnership (and these relationships) continue to grow.

At the Lafayette Park Clean-up Project, folks from two different churches were there sweeping, raking and cleaning up this beautiful park.  A little boy came by and asked what they were doing. One of the volunteers told him, “Some friends from my church and Pastor Oputa’s church are cleaning up the park tonight.  The little boy then asked, “Can I help?”

“Of course you can!” they said.  Then he worked alongside volunteers until the project was done. He knows Pastor Oputa from Saturday Sports which takes place at Lafayette Park twice a month.  He also now has a glimpse of other ways The Church serves and loves his neighborhood . . . and he wants to be a part.

A life group from The Well helped organize a celebration with a small church in Sanger for for kids in this farming neighborhood. It was a huge success! When the volunteers found out the church struggles to do this event every month, they decided that together their life group would take it on as a monthly project.
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At the 4141 Ministries project, a couple Fresno State volunteers signed up to serve.  One of the girls, now a freshman at Fresno State, (not so many years ago) faithfully attended one of the first Saturday Sports Programs in Fresno.  She grew up seeing The Church love and serve her neighborhood and in the process a strong relationship was built with her family.  Now she is finding ways to follow that example of service and giving back to her city.

In serving we are not simply doing something that needs to be done, and not just so we can check “serving” off our to-do list. In the process of serving, we learn more about our city and the people we would not get the chance to know if we didn’t spend time in their neighborhood.  We are hearing the stories and learning about needs of the people, organizations that are serving and the opportunities we have to walk alongside them, support and encouragement them.

It was an amazing week to watch THE CHURCH united in serving Fresno (and beyond!)  It also brought a lot of folks from our churches outside the walls of buildings, into the heart of our city and into the lives of the people.

In serving, we are setting an example for our children, for the Church, and our city. We may never see the full impact, but in the process of serving He brings people into our lives; and while we think we were there to make a difference in THEIR neighborhood, He often uses the opportunity to make in impact in OUR hearts!

It is the Mission of ENP to help churches partner with elementary schools and neighborhoods in our city, with a vision of seeing the Church deeply engaged and invested, not for just a week, but throughout the year.  It is the goal of ENP to see a church partnering with every neighborhood in our city, to see our schools supported and blessed as they teach OUR kids.  Ultimate goal: healthy families and a thriving city! During Serve Fresno Week it felt like THE CHURCH made a giant step toward that goal!

 *SERVE FRESNO is a movement of churches united in serving the city as the body of Christ . . . not just for a week, but throughout the year!  This movement WILL continue and we look forward to watching it it grow.

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“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

*Check out the Serve Fresno Week highlight video on the home page.

andrewfeil. . . not to BE served, BUT TO SERVE
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Throughout the year we have the privilege AND JOY to work alongside so many people who have a heart for our city! We are thankful for each one of them and blessed as we watch the many ways folks are engaging our city, and so generously giving their time, gifts, talents and treasures to invest in the lives of children, families and schools in our Fresno neighborhoods.

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Saturday Sports leaders & volunteers
who give up a few hours on their Saturday mornings to spend time with kids.

30 Saturday Sports Programs
average of 1500 kids each week

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Volunteers who help out during the week in classrooms and on school campuses.

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Thanks to churches who are more than just a building in the neighborhood, but seeking ways to bless children and families while serving with a giving heart to show Christ’s love to our city.

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Drivers who deliver lunches to Saturday Sports

Photographers who help us capture the JOY

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Community Partners
who share the same vision for a thriving city!

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Fresno State and Fresno Pacific students who add energy & enthusiasm to Saturday Sports & as tutors in classrooms

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Parents who are volunteering (investing) in their neighborhoods and schools; a simple way for them to grow and exercise their residential leadership.

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Young people who are volunteering while becoming leaders and role models in their communities

 to  those who support ENP financially!
Individuals, churches, Businesses and foundations make it possible for ENP to continue equipping and connecting people who have a heart to serve, with opportunities to invest in a city that we all love.

As we serve, we learn about each other, and we learn more about ourselves. We understand and appreciate the unique diversity of our city and grow to love the people who become a rich part of our lives!

So much of giving comes from a thankful heart. It TRULY is “in giving that we receive”. Ask anyone who spends time with kids and families in our partnership neighborhoods! The blessings are huge!


May YOU be truly blessed
as you give thanks this week!

From all of us at ENP!

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Clovis Hills Hosts World Changers

Over 150 kids and leaders from various churches throughout the states came to Fresno last week on a mission to serve and love our Southwest Fresno neighborhood.

These young people were a part of World Changers, an organization that  “seeks to provide Christian youth and adults with opportunities to meet the physical and spiritual needs of others through practical learning experiences that teach servanthood and personal commitment to missions”.  Clovis Hills did an amazing job organizing and coordinating this weeklong event. (A HUGE “high-five” to Michelle Pellerin!)

The teams stayed at Fresno Rescue Mission at night and spent their days working in SWFresno. This gave them an up-close look at the needs in our city and opportunities to make a difference through their service.  Six local churches provided lunch each day for the teams while they were on the job sites.  It was truly a team effort! (See the list below of all the churches, businesses and organizations that came together to make this week possible.)

Projects included repainting and beautifying homes, a neighborhood church, a local business, an elementary school, and a community center. In 100+ degree weather, teams worked daily from Tuesday through Friday. Those who came from Arizona had no complaints about the heat, however the team from Washington State struggled a bit more and probably applied more sun block during their week in Fresno than in their entire lifetime!

On Almy and Roy Avenues a total of 5 homes were blessed (as were the families that lived there). Houses received a fresh coat of paint, yards were cleaned and clutter removed into trash bins donated by Allied Waste and Southwest Waste.  Each home had a team of 15-20 members working to complete the project. It’s amazing how cleaning up a few houses in the neighborhood inspires other residents to make some changes!

At the southeast corner of Fig and North Avenues both the church and the convenience store were painted.

At West Fresno Elementary, teams focused on repainting the cafeteria.  The staff break room was cleaned and kids also spent time on the campus, picking up debris and trash. But it didn’t stop there! The speed bumps in the parking lot received a bight yellow coat of paint, fire zones were repainted a shiny red, and the curbs and poles at the front of the school were repainted creating a fun and colorful entrance.

On the other side of the elementary school is the middle school. The lower 6-feet of the gymnasium received a fresh coat of dark green paint to cover scuff marks and graffiti. Several teams worked together throughout the week to complete this large project.

At Mary Ella Brown Community Center, teams worked together to clean up the community garden, and adding more planter boxes including some that are wheelchair accessible.  On the inside, the center received new floor giving it a modern updated look!

When the week ended, everyone looked back at the huge amount of work that was accomplished, but even more impactful were the relationships that were made, the residents who were blessed and a SW Fresno neighborhood that looks just a little bit brighter.

Did they change the world?  Maybe not quite yet, but if you ask Mona (one of the homeowners pictured below), we’re pretty sure she will tell you that this team of amazing young people that spent the week working at her home truly changed her world last week!  And for these young people, their world got just a little bit bigger and they no doubt went home with a part of their heart that will always find ways to serve others.  That’s kind of the point of it all!

Just imagine if we all served and loved our city the way these kids did last week!  . . . maybe together, WE could change the world!

Let’s start small!

How about we just start with FRESNO!

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. . . and thanks to the following churches, businesses and organizations who helped make this week so amazing:

Allied Waste, Cargill, Clovis Hills, Cornelia Baptist Church, Cravings, Fresno Rescue Mission, Darling Industries, Fresno Grizzlies, Habitat for Humanity, Lifeway Baptist Church, Lowe’s, Mary Ella Brown Community Center, New Hope Community Church, Soma Christian Church, SouthWest Waste, United One Productions, Wawona Frozen Foods and Woodward Park Baptist Church

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Many Serve Together at Olmos

When Pastor Du’Chene came up with the idea for a serve day at Olmos Elementary, he probably had no idea that such a variety of groups would come together to serve!

On the morning of Saturday, May 17th this team cleaned up the streets around the campus, an empty lot across the street, as well as the school campus itself.  Then they planted 4 flats of flowers around the school.  Not only were there volunteers from Pastor Du Chene’s church (Faith Worship Christian Center), there were also students from Olmos, Sunnyside High School as well as a group from Cal Poly who were in Fresno with F.I.F.U.L. for 24 hours learning about urban ministry.

As they were preparing lunch for everyone, a parent who was dropping his kids off at Saturday Sports asked what was going on. They told him they were having a Serve Day and asked if he wanted to join them. He EAGERLY joined in and was a HUGE asset to the day.

Key Word: ASSET! Every neighborhood has assets. Sometimes it just takes an event like this to begin discovering them, and the potential when they work together and focus on an opportunity for change and growth.  So many came together on this day:

Olmos students were serving at their own school.  

Parents were involved not only in this serve day, but have been “the force” that started the Saturday Sports Program at Olmos.

Principal Tharpe has been such an encouragement!  She is a part of everything that goes on at Olmos and a visible presence even on the weekends.  

The church, Faith Worship Christian Center, that holds services each Sunday at Olmos, now calls this school “home”, which makes them more deeply invested in the neighborhood. 

Students from Sunnyside High school served Saturday at Olmos – a school that feeds into their school.  This gave them opportunity to talk to the Olmos kids about high school. 

Students from Cal Poly came to serve and were able to talk to the Olmos and Sunnyside students about the value of a their college education. 

It was a GREAT DAY in the Olmos Neighborhood and Pastor Du’Chene feels very blessed to be connected to this school and neighborhood.  It’s a partnership that has potential to grow even more!

It’s a neighborhood where many assets are being discovered. That makes us smile!

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Beautifying School Campuses

During the past several weeks, five elementary school campuses have been beautified by a variety of groups from partnership churches as well as families and students from the schools.  Centennial, Columbia, Ewing, Williams and Susan B Anthony all received a splash of color with bright, cheery flowers in the flowerbeds and a lot of people had the opportunity to get their hands a little dirty making our schools and neighborhoods look more beautiful.

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During spring break week, jr high and high school students planted flowers and raked leaves at Williams Elementary.  (This was one of several projects they worked on in Fresno that week. 

For a Serve Dei project two groups of volunteers from The Well beautified the campuses of Columbia Elementary and Centennial Elementary.  At Columbia, volunteers also planted 8 trees, cleaned and sanitized the playground equipment and donated portable bleachers.  The principal from Columbia said she feels “so loved” by The Church because of all the engagement she receives at her school.

Leadership students at Susan B Anthony teamed up with volunteers from their partnership church to plant flowers in the atrium.  Some of the kids had never planted a plant in the ground before!  It was a great experience for them.  They loved  hearing the great comments and thanks you’s  from the staff and fellow students.

At Ewing Elementary this past weekend it was parents and students from the school that volunteered, along with the principal and a few staff member.  They planted 6 flats of flowers on their campus and were excited to see how nice the campus looked when they were done.  They decided to plan another workday together in August with more  projects on the campus.

We love to see volunteers from partnership churches investing in our neighborhoods, but it’s even more exciting to see families and students from the schools beautifying their own neighborhoods. Seeing the feelings of pride and ownership on their faces is priceless!

This is a great progression!  We see volunteers from our partnership churches coming alongside the schools, neighborhoods and families, and working together to make our neighborhoods not only more beautiful, but a better place to live.

What’s the next project we can work on together?

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Special thanks to Gazebo Gardens who has been a great resource for beautifying our schools!  Thank you for being such an awesome community partner!



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