ENP Blog

Opportunity Ignites On The Soccer Field

Love, hard work, dedication and service sums up the story of Saturday Sports participant, Chris Rosas. With stated goals to become a pediatrician, help provide for his family and raise the Saturday Sports attendance, Rosas makes it a priority to invest positively into the lives of others.

Rosas graduated last May from Fresno Pacific University and returned to the Saturday Sports program after taking some time away to finish school. He commented on the young talent and hinted at his goal to raise the level of competition on the field at Susan B. Anthony, where he presides over the soccer games.

Leah BighamOpportunity Ignites On The Soccer Field
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Leadership Development: Video Highlight

We believe in Leadership Development.

The primary goal of leadership development is to restore the stabilizing glue and fill the vacuum of moral, spiritual, and economic leadership that is so prevalent in poor communities by developing leaders. (1)

Now that ENP has been around for 8 years as a non-profit and some of our sites have existed for almost 12 years we are seeing the next generation rise up into various leadership roles. This video was created for our 2016 ENP Christmas Celebration to highlight 3 of these leaders.

Enjoy and be part of the continued growth in our young leaders. Donate today.

(1) https://ccda.org/about/philosophy/leadership-development/

andrewfeilLeadership Development: Video Highlight
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The Whole Church

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on why ENP believes that to transform Fresno neighborhoods we need the Whole Gospel, Whole Church, and Whole City. 

What denomination are you from? Are you Catholic or Protestant? What do you believe about the topics of the Holy Spirit, Biblical Inerrancy, Women in Ministry, etc?

It is human nature to want to quickly put people into a box or a category. We want to know “are you on my team or are you on the other team?”. We want to know who is in and out is out (I have written here about that issue), but these are questions most often used to divide instead of unite.

andrewfeilThe Whole Church
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The Whole Gospel

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on why ENP believes that to transform Fresno neighborhoods, we need the Whole Gospel, Whole Church, and Whole City.

The word “Gospel” literally means “Good News” in Greek. So as we talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ we are talking about the Good News of Jesus. Our heart at ENP is to help you and your church be a blessing to our city and to point others to Christ. As we go about the work of pointing others to the Good News of Jesus we have to ask… Is your gospel actually good news to the people of Fresno? Can people taste and see it? Do you have a whole gospel?

I don’t know about you, but I was taught that “The Gospel” was a set of truths to know or believe. The gospel communicated the fact that I am sinful, because of my sin I deserve punishment, and God sent Jesus as the solution – so that by his death and resurrection I can go to heaven.

Is that version of the gospel true or untrue?

andrewfeilThe Whole Gospel
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2016 Annual Report

This annual report gives you a visual glance at the work that happened throughout 2016. This work happens because of you! You are impacting our community in ways that the mayor, superintendent and many other city leaders have noticed.  We are thankful for your partnership!

Click here and donate to expand the impact, and reach more kids in every neighborhood!

Blessings my friends,
andrewfeil2016 Annual Report
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ServeFresno.org 2016 Highlights & Infographic

At ENP we believe that we are most satisfied when we are giving our lives away to something bigger than ourselves. We have found our passion. Serving schools and neighborhoods.

If serving with ENP in our schools and neighborhoods isn’t your passion we wanted to find a way for you to use your unique gifts and abilities. That is why we create ServeFresno.org.

ServeFresno.org makes it easy to find projects and volunteer opportunities across our city. As we look back at what 2016 we were blown away by the website traffic and usage of the Serve Fresno site.

andrewfeilServeFresno.org 2016 Highlights & Infographic
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The Archer Filter

Keith Bergthold of Fresno Metro Ministry, Randy White of the FPU Center for Community Transformation, and Artie Padilla of Every Neighborhood Partnership collaborated on the creation of organizing filters to separate the substantive from the superficial in the approaches to true revitalization. ARCHER.

  • What elements are absolutely necessary to be present in order to hit the target of authentic community building? This is a useful tool for every community-based organization to take stock of its approaches.
  • Do we recognize the true presence of these elements in our approaches.
  • Are they supported by our methodologies and the allocation of our resources?

ARCHER is an acronym for Assets, Responsibility, Competence, Harmony, Empowerment and Results.

Download the PDF or view the image below for a full explanation.

andrewfeilThe Archer Filter
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Changing the Future of Fresno

For most middle and upper-class families, the ability to read is something we take for granted. Books were aplenty in our homes and still are.

Imagine living in a home that doesn’t have any books, much less a bookshelf. Mom loves and works hard for you, but has little to give after her second part-time job ends at 8:00pm. Did I mention Mom doesn’t speak English? She wants to help you with your homework, but she only finished fourth grade in Mexico so she can’t read the words on the page. This situation and many others like it play out every day in our schools.

Fresno Unified is made up of just over 74,000 kids. Over 18,000 of them are English learners, and 86% are living in poverty.[1] How do we make a difference in a city and a school system that has so much need? How do you go about changing the future of Fresno? Help a kid learn to read.

andrewfeilChanging the Future of Fresno
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