ENP Blog

Moving at the Pace of People, with Kim Contreras

Episode Four of What’s Good in the Neighborhood is here!

Andrew and Grace dive into conversation with Kim Contreras, a long-time presence in the urban missions world here in Fresno, CA. In this episode, they discuss working and living missionally in concentrated poverty, what it takes to do it long term, and how to do it without causing harm.

During Kim’s years in Fresno, it has been a deep honor to learn about the city and be changed by that experience through the Lord and her neighbors and friends in the Lowell and Hidalgo communities. As a Trauma Healing Specialist, Kim focuses on equipping the church and community to understand trauma and experience their own healing journey, along with an invitation to participate in outreach to survivors of human trafficking. Two of the accessible tools she utilizes are the Clear-Thinking Solutions method and Trauma Healing Institute healing groups. She can be found with her husband Manuel and their two children, Ian (18) and Sophia (13) sharing an Anaconda burrito from Yareli’s, enjoying good coffee on the steps with their dog Shadow, and playing with their cats, Fuego, Sombra, and Rosa.

Gabrielle PicenoMoving at the Pace of People, with Kim Contreras
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ENP is Hiring in Neighborhood Development!

ENP is Hiring!!

We are hoping to fill a significant leadership role in our team.

The Neighborhood Development Director is an exciting opportunity to work closely with ENP’s Executive Director and oversee the Neighborhood Development team. This role deeply engages in civic infrastructure and place-based efforts within Fresno, including creating place-based strategies that lead to self-sustainability, empowerment, and leadership development with residents and strategic partners to positively impact their communities.

Full Time – $70,000 – $80,000

If you are ready to apply, you can click the link below to fill out the Asana form.

Contact Andrew Feil at andrew@everyneighborhood.org with any questions. 

Please share with your networks and help us find the best candidates!

Grace BergENP is Hiring in Neighborhood Development!
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You Can’t Build on Broken, with Joe White

Episode Three of What’s Good in the Neighborhood is here!

What would it look like to view the people and places around us as gifts, not negatives? In this episode, Andrew and Grace sit down with Joe White, pastor of Neighborhood Church in the historic Jackson Neighborhood of Fresno, CA. Joe is a long time advocate of be a church with the neighborhood, not a church to or for it. Joe reminds us that Jesus is the absolute best news we can give, and the He himself cares about people and places and the thriving of them both.

Gabrielle PicenoYou Can’t Build on Broken, with Joe White
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Creative Ways Fresno Community Members are Making their Neighborhoods Healthier

Happy Earth Day! 🌎🌱🌻 Today, people around the world are celebrating efforts to care for our natural resources. We’re bringing Earth Day to Fresno as we share stories of two community members, like you and me, who are working to make our city a healthier place to live. Continue reading to also learn about ways you can be part of this work in your neighborhood!

Ashley GoldsmithCreative Ways Fresno Community Members are Making their Neighborhoods Healthier
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What is the Impact of $903,060 in Volunteer Time?

Nonprofits like Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP) cannot do what we do without volunteers. 

In 2023, volunteers invested 28,938 hours in Fresno schools and neighborhoods through ENP’s School Support and Neighborhood Development programs. These hours are equal to $903,060.53 in value. That’s almost $1,000,000 of volunteer hours poured into the city of Fresno! 

“If you look around your city and see things you want to change, but you don’t know how, start by volunteering with a nonprofit,” says Andrew Feil, ENP’s Executive Director. “Your time is worth more than you can imagine.”

Continue reading to learn what impact volunteers have on Fresno schools, neighborhoods, and future generations. ↓

Ashley GoldsmithWhat is the Impact of $903,060 in Volunteer Time?
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Transforming a Community, with Dina Gonzalez-Pina

Episode Two of What’s Good in the Neighborhood is here! Subscribe where you get podcasts!

God longs for shalom, and He’s asking us to work towards shalom in our spaces. Every Neighborhood Partnership has adopted the language and frameworks of Christian Community Development to pursue God’s shalom! CCD ideas act as the tide beneath the waves of our work here at Every Neighborhood Partnership. Andrew and Grace sit down with Dina Gonzalez-Pina, who has been a member of the board of the Christian Community Development Association and is currently the director of the Mennonite Central Committee on the West Coast. Dina helps us unpack the eight pillars of CCD philosophy and Andrew and Grace tie it back contextually to our work here at ENP.

Gabrielle PicenoTransforming a Community, with Dina Gonzalez-Pina
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In Fresno as It Is in Heaven, with Daniel Dominguez

Episode One of What’s Good in the Neighborhood has launched! Subscribe where you get podcasts!

In our very first episode of our very first series, we sit down with Daniel Dominguez, Every Neighborhood Partnership’s Neighborhood Development Director. Daniel has been on staff with ENP for over 6 years, and is a culture carrier for us here at the organization. We talk about God’s heart and vision for not only a city but for a people, and what that means for us as we engage with our neighbors and the poor. You’ll hear us reference the Bible a handful of times as we unpack what it means for us to come into alignment with what God would desire when we say, In Fresno as it is in Heaven.

Gabrielle PicenoIn Fresno as It Is in Heaven, with Daniel Dominguez
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Trailer: What’s Good in the Neighborhood

Our trailer for What’s Good in the Neighborhood has launched! Subscribe where you get podcasts!

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andrewfeilTrailer: What’s Good in the Neighborhood
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