Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP) and its local partners are launching a community driven land use educational initiative, Fresno Community Land Use Academy (CLUA). Fresno CLUA aims to expand access and facilitate more inclusive engagement in Fresno’s land use and urban planning processes so that land development decisions benefit all Fresnans, especially those local residents who live in neighborhoods where land use decisions have caused environmental injustices. Housing, health and economic disparities are often based on location, race and income.
The attached article from the Urban Institute lays out the benefits and impacts to implement a Community Land Use Planning Academy, like Fresno CLUA. To learn more about the framework of Community Land Use Academies, read this article
Thanks to a grant from the Kresge Foundation and with technical support from the Urban Institute, ENP will spend the next year launching this new city-wide initiative. We are looking forward to witnessing the ways this will positively impact the environments of so many Fresno residents.
Stay tuned for more updates from Fresno CLUA!