ENP Blog

Welcoming and Supporting Afghan Refugees

Afghan Refugees have begun moving to Fresno and there are several ways individuals and churches or groups can welcome and support our new neighbors. Check out the opportunities below!

1) Sign up as a church or group to sponsor a family thru Bethany Christian Services

Supporting Afghan Refugees and Church Sponsorship Webinar: ENP hosted a zoom conversation with Bethany Christian Services to share about Fresno’s new Afghan neighbors and how churches can support Afghan families moving to Fresno so that no family feels isolated. Bethany is working to support the immediate needs of Afghan families as they relocate to Fresno.

Bethany Christian Services demonstrates the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by protecting children, empowering youth, and strengthening families through quality social services.

Watch this webinar below that ENP hosted to learn more about our new neighbors and how you can support them.

2) Purchase Items, Sign Up to Sponsor a Family and Learn More with Resources

3) Sign up to volunteer through Fresno ANSAR

ANSAR is working to provide long-term services and support to Afghan families moving to Fresno.

American Network of Services for Afghan Refugees (ANSAR) of Fresno is made up of local organizations in the Fresno area that hope to serve as institutional helpers for new Afghan arrivals by facilitating comprehensive wrap-around services. The objective of this network is to connect new arrivals with the necessary legal, education and outreach, mental health, housing, and social services needed to reasonably adjust to life in the Central Valley area. ANSAR partners include: FIRM, BCS, CAIR, ICCF, the City of Fresno, Fresno County DBH and more.

ANSAR Volunteer Areas:


Gabrielle was born in Fresno, grew up and went to college in Southern California, and moved back to Fresno in 2014. She has worked with churches and non-profits in Fresno, where she developed an interest in Christian Community Development and what God is doing in Fresno. She has since made Fresno her home alongside her husband Jordan and their son. She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

Gabrielle PicenoWelcoming and Supporting Afghan Refugees

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