Gabrielle was born in Fresno, grew up and went to college in Southern California, and moved back to Fresno in 2014. She has worked with churches and non-profits in Fresno, where she developed an interest in Christian Community Development and what God is doing in Fresno. She has since made Fresno her home alongside her husband Jordan. She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.
ENP is expanding our School Support Department with 3 new positions:
Volunteer Staff Coordinator: Oversee and manage the ENP volunteer and college staff experience from start to finish. Make sure everyone has a smooth onboarding, service experience, and off-boarding. This could include the creation of job descriptions, fingerprinting, connecting to various departments within ENP and the Fresno State Richter Center.
Extended Learning Coordinator: Manage and oversee college staff and church/community volunteers at ENP’s Extended Learning programming including Read Fresno After School intervention, Saturday Sports, and other community after school programming as needed.
This webinar includes biblical foundations, key tools and questions, as well as examples from churches and an opportunity to interact with other church leaders wrestling with their role.
Presented in English, this is an online event via zoom. Lunch is included via gift card.
Tim Soerens is the co-founding executive director of the Parish Collective ( and author of the newly released, Everywhere You Look: Discovering the Church, Right Where You Are (IVP 2020) and co-author of The New Parish (IVP 2014). Along with his wife Coté, he is helping to start South Park Neighborhood Church. Tim is a co-founding owner of Resistencia Coffee, as well as the South Park Idea Lab.
Coté Soerens, – Planter, Innovator, Business Owner
Coté is a Planter and Innovator. As a neighborhood pastor, Coté has focused on discerning God’s dreams for the South Park community since 2014. This journey led her to see the neighborhood as an endless source of inspiration for community-based projects and community enterprises such as Resistencia Coffee, The Urban Fresh Food Collective, El Mercadito Farmer’s Market, The South Park Arts & Culture Collective, and South Park Neighborhood Christian Church.
Gabrielle PicenoA Church Discerning its Time and Place
Join a training on screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and responding with trauma-informed care to mitigate the health impacts of toxic stress.
The FPU Center for Community Transformation and the Center for Anabaptist Studies are proud to present another workshop in its New Skills for a New Era series of convenings for Valley congregations. This one will be of interest to all members of churches that are struggling to know how to retain their firm convictions without drawing lines that promote polarization and judgmental attitudes, or the tendency to pronounce who’s “in” and who is “out”? In an era of shrinking church attendance, what biblical principles, ministry and relational skills would a church need to grow in this ability?
This FREE online workshop called Centered on Jesus will be led by FPU Biblical Seminary’s Mark Baker, Ph.D. who will be presenting the concept of the “centered-set church,” its theological and practical foundations. FPU alum Pastor Grace Spencer, MA Theo. will also present, sharing her experience from three churches she has served in a pastoral capacity. Registrants will be able to enter a raffle to receive Dr. Baker’s new book, Centered-Set Church: Discipleship and Community Without Judgementalism (IVP), and the first 50 to register and attend will receive a $10 lunch voucher.
In 2021 Every Neighborhood Partnership received a $50,000 grant from Kaiser to increase community resilience and trauma-informed behaviors by providing resident-led workshops. ENP trained facilitators working in 3 different neighborhoods in Fresno to run Parent Cafe workshops and support groups. The Parent Cafes were run by leaders from each neighborhood with participants from the community with whom they were already in relationship. 99 individuals went through these Parent Cafes. Participants expressed through post-session surveys that they want to go through the course again and invite new friends to attend, as well as have the group continue beyond the original length of the course. As a result, 4 out of 5 of the groups have been continuing to meet beyond the designated timeframe for the sessions because of the supportive relationships that developed through their time together.
The 8-session Parent Cafe curriculum was developed by Brainwise Solutions with the goal of equipping parents and caregivers with tools to develop Resilience, Relationships, and Rebuilding in a supportive group environment. It was created with the intent of having leaders from the community facilitate groups with a preventative approach rather than as a response after a family has gone through a specific traumatic incident.
Gabrielle PicenoResilience Based Community Development through Parent Cafes
The Ethics Center at Fresno State University is hosting the Interfaith Scholar weekend Marzo 18-20, 2022. It will consist of 4 free webinars on Sabbath Economics. Each of these 90-minute presentations will be presented by Ched Myers and Dr. Elaine Enns and include elements of Lecture, PowerPoint, Art, Text, Design, Polling and Q and A to engage viewers/listeners.
Friday, Marzo 18, 2022, 7:00-8:30PM: Revisiting Old Covenants in a Time of Plagues
Saturday, Marzo 19, 2022, 10:30-12:00 NOON: Manna vs. Mammon: Are We Building Capital or Community?
Saturday, Marzo 19, 2022, 1:00-2:30PM: Public Addiction, Ecological Ultimatums: A Call to Recovery
Sunday, Marzo 20, 2022, 1:00-2:30PM: Sabbath as Reparative Justice
Afghan Refugees have begun moving to Fresno and there are several ways individuals and churches or groups can welcome and support our new neighbors. Check out the opportunities below!
Gabrielle PicenoWelcoming and Supporting Afghan Refugees
From Noviembre 10-13, several of our staff members attended the Christian Community Development Association National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri. This year’s theme was “Reimagine” and we explored with practitioners from across the country questions like, “What is God calling us to reimagine in our community for His glory?
ENP’s Neighborhood Health and Wellness team has been hard at work this year with launching new programs and expanding current ones! Read our Impact Report of our Promotora/Community Health Worker program carried out in partnership with FCHIP (Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership) to learn more about the strives for holistic health being taken in our community.
Gabrielle PicenoNeighborhood Health and Wellness Impact Report