Compromiso de los padres

Creative Ways Fresno Community Members are Making their Neighborhoods Healthier

Happy Earth Day! 🌎🌱🌻 Today, people around the world are celebrating efforts to care for our natural resources. We’re bringing Earth Day to Fresno as we share stories of two community members, like you and me, who are working to make our city a healthier place to live. Continue reading to also learn about ways you can be part of this work in your neighborhood!

Ashley GoldsmithCreative Ways Fresno Community Members are Making their Neighborhoods Healthier
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The Most Important Contributor to a Student’s Academic Success

What is the most important contributor to a student’s success in school?

In Fresno Unified, 80% of students are unable to read at their grade level. Fresno schools are growing their early intervention programs and literacy mentors are providing one-on-one support to students. However, data shows reading skills and educational success are dependent on many factors outside the classroom.

In fact, “parental education might be the biggest factor” in determining a student’s academic success according to a 2022 EdSource article.

If parents are unable to read with their kids at home, don’t know about school events, or are unsure who to contact with concerns, their students are less likely to feel confident in school.

“Schools are doing a lot,” says Sabrina Rodarte, Every Neighborhood Partnership’s Extended Learning Coordinator. “What we need is more support for parents. We need to ask, how can we build up a parent so they can build up their child?”

Schools are doing a lot. What we need is more support for parents.

Sabrina Rodarte, ENP’s Extended Learning Coordinator
Ashley GoldsmithThe Most Important Contributor to a Student’s Academic Success
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Our Children’s Ability to Read Now Will Have a Lifelong and City-wide Impact

In third grade, Sam reads stories about farm animals, giant peaches, and magical dragons. About 75% of his peers struggle to read at third grade level.

In sixth grade, Sam is a little taller and strong enough to lug around a backpack full of books he will pour over for his history project on Ancient Civilizations. This year, several of his former classmates don’t pass the history class because they’re unable to comprehend the assigned reading making up 85% of their curriculum.

In twelfth grade, Sam tours colleges, sifts through complex financial aid documents, and writes application essays. About 1 in 6 of his friends who weren’t reading at grade level in third grade have dropped out of high school.

Children’s ability to read has profound implications for their lives and their engagement with their community.

Ashley GoldsmithOur Children’s Ability to Read Now Will Have a Lifelong and City-wide Impact
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Why Every School in Fresno Needs a Garden

Fresno community members were ranked the 3rd most food insecure in the United States according to a 2018 report from the Food Research & Action Center. Many families in Southwest Fresno live in “food deserts,” meaning there is no ready access to affordable, healthy food. A lack of access to and education about healthy, readily-available food contributes to significant and detrimental health effects such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disorders. 

Children are among the most vulnerable community members, and limited access to nutritious foods and education about healthy living make them more susceptible to poor health conditions.

A more hopeful reality is playing out on a sunny afternoon at Kepler Neighborhood School, where nine first-graders sit on the edge of their very own school garden boxes, giggling as they chomp on home-grown celery.

To address food disparity and support children in our city’s areas of highest need, Every Neighborhood Partnership is partnering with King Elementary and Kepler Neighborhood School to design and implement a pilot Edible School Garden project. ENP is working to expand the program to include a garden at every one of our after-school program sites by next school year!

Ashley GoldsmithWhy Every School in Fresno Needs a Garden
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How to Serve Your Community (No Matter Your Life Stage)

Developing a Heart of Service at a Young Age

Mary Avigliano knew when she grew up, she wanted to help others. As a child, Mary developed relationships with volunteers of local urban ministry organizations who left a life-long impact on her and her family.

“If it weren’t for a group of people who were passionate about urban ministry knocking on my family’s door when I was a kid, I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

~Mary Avigliano

In 2008, when Mary was a recent college graduate with a little extra free time, she became one of Every Neighborhood Partnership’s first volunteers.

Ashley GoldsmithHow to Serve Your Community (No Matter Your Life Stage)
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Resilience Based Community Development through Parent Cafes

In 2021 Every Neighborhood Partnership received a $50,000 grant from Kaiser to increase community resilience and trauma-informed behaviors by providing resident-led workshops.  ENP trained facilitators working in 3 different neighborhoods in Fresno to run Parent Cafe workshops and support groups.  The Parent Cafes were run by leaders from each neighborhood with participants from the community with whom they were already in relationship.  99 individuals went through these Parent Cafes.  Participants expressed through post-session surveys that they want to go through the course again and invite new friends to attend, as well as have the group continue beyond the original length of the course.  As a result, 4 out of 5 of the groups have been continuing to meet beyond the designated timeframe for the sessions because of the supportive relationships that developed through their time together.  

The 8-session Parent Cafe curriculum was developed by Brainwise Solutions with the goal of equipping parents and caregivers with tools to develop Resilience, Relationships, and Rebuilding in a supportive group environment.  It was created with the intent of having leaders from the community facilitate groups with a preventative approach rather than as a response after a family has gone through a specific traumatic incident.

Gabrielle PicenoResilience Based Community Development through Parent Cafes
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Alfabetización Digital

Los lunes y miércoles del 8 de febrero al 4 de marzo los miembros del personal de ENP Suzzy Pinal y Angie Conde dirigieron la primera clase de alfabetización digital en español de ENP. COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de formación básica en informática y tecnología, especialmente entre nuestros vecinos de habla hispana. Durante 4 semanas, entre 12 y 30 estudiantes se reunieron a través del zoom para aprender conocimientos básicos de informática. El entusiasmo a medida que se aprendían nuevas habilidades era palpable y los instructores disfrutaban viendo cómo los ojos de los estudiantes se iluminaban al entender cosas nuevas.

Todos los participantes dijeron que recomendarían el curso a un amigo y muchos están deseando volver a realizarlo para sentirse más cómodos con su dispositivo. Algunos participantes incluso se compraron un ordenador después de pasar por la sesión, al sentirse más cómodos en su capacidad de navegación. A continuación se presentan algunos de los comentarios de la encuesta posterior al curso.

Gabrielle PicenoAlfabetización Digital
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"¡Esto es muy divertido!" Guardo con cariño esas palabras que escuché de los alumnos en mi primer día como voluntaria en Ericson Saturday Sports!

La misión de ENP es "conectar a las iglesias y a los socios de la comunidad con las escuelas primarias y equiparlas para que sirvan a través de su presencia activa en cada barrio". Lo que se reduce a ser un mejor vecino.

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Padres que abogan por un Blackstone mejor

Incluso durante el verano, nuestros padres asociados de la escuela primaria Susan B. Anthony y de la escuela primaria Yokomi están aprendiendo y trabajando juntos y son defensores de sus comunidades a través de su participación en el proyecto Better Blackstone. A medida que observan más de cerca su vecindario, imaginan aceras transitables, negocios revitalizados, carriles para bicicletas, cruces peatonales y una parada de autobús sombreada con bancos. Todos ellos son elementos de un corredor saludable y floreciente.

Los padres se reunieron a principios de julio y caminaron desde Divisadero hasta Olive, tanto en Abby como en Blackstone, tomando fotos y observando las ventajas y necesidades de su barrio. El objetivo final: identificar las aceras rotas, los pasos de peatones que faltan, las papeleras que faltan y cualquier otra área que pueda ser mejorada para hacer una comunidad sana, segura y transitable. 

Se sienten entusiasmados y fortalecidos por este papel que están desempeñando. Es un paso más para ayudar a los padres a ver el importante papel que pueden desempeñar como voluntarios y líderes en su escuela y su barrio.

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El 7 de agosto los vecinos se reunirán para imaginar las posibilidades de Blackstone.

Los vecinos de Blackstone compartirán sus hallazgos a través de una muestra fotográfica. Este proyecto "Photovoice/Fotovoz" destacará los aspectos saludables y no saludables de la vida cotidiana en este barrio. A través de este proyecto están aprendiendo a ser positivos y proactivos mientras trabajan juntos por un barrio mejor.

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Brenda Bravo
Asociación de Todos los Barrios
Coordinadora de la participación de los padres

andrewfeilPadres que abogan por un Blackstone mejor
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