
See you in 9 weeks.

“Most of us are more tired than we know at the soul level. We are teetering on the brink of dangerous exhaustion, and we cannot do anything else until we have gotten some rest…we can’t really engage [any spiritual disciplines] until solitude becomes a place of rest for us rather than another place for human striving and hard work.”
― Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation

If you email me from Thursday, June 15th till Monday, Agosto 21st, you will get an away message.

I am on a sabbatical.

What the heck is a sabbatical?

andrewfeilSee you in 9 weeks.
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How to Serve Your Community (No Matter Your Life Stage)

Developing a Heart of Service at a Young Age

Mary Avigliano knew when she grew up, she wanted to help others. As a child, Mary developed relationships with volunteers of local urban ministry organizations who left a life-long impact on her and her family.

“If it weren’t for a group of people who were passionate about urban ministry knocking on my family’s door when I was a kid, I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

~Mary Avigliano

In 2008, when Mary was a recent college graduate with a little extra free time, she became one of Every Neighborhood Partnership’s first volunteers.

Ashley GoldsmithHow to Serve Your Community (No Matter Your Life Stage)
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Entering 2023 with Applications from Isaiah 65

One way that Every Neighborhood Partnership lives out our value of being a Jesus-centered organization is by having devotionals during our staff meetings and retreats.  These devotionals include Scripture readings or other types of character or leadership development topics.

Isaiah 65:17-25 is a Bible passage that has long been a driving motivation for ENP’s work.  We commissioned the “In Fresno as it is in Heaven” artwork based in part on this passage (you can read more about it here) and at our Fall 2022 staff retreat, we examined those verses together. 

Gabrielle PicenoEntering 2023 with Applications from Isaiah 65
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In Fresno As It Is In Heaven

Not everyone ENP partners with comes from a faith background, but we all have a moral vision. We wanted to design something that represents the theological and moral vision of ENP.

The Biblical Story is really a story about two spaces: God’s space and humanity’s space. It is the Biblical Story of God’s mission and vision to reunite all humanity with Himself. In the Garden of Eden, God’s space and humanity’s space were one. But when sin and brokenness entered the world, those spaces separated. Injustice, pain, poverty, and disunity entered the picture.

Jesus is on a mission to bring them together once and for all. As an organization, we long for a city that reflects Jesus’ prayer: “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Revelation 21 tells us that one day God’s space and humanity’s space will completely overlap.

As the Lord prayed, until the final vision becomes a reality, we get to work to see glimpses of heaven here in Fresno.

Thank you to Shelby King for bringing our vision of this design to life!  She can be reached at

If you would like to purchase a full resolution print of “in Fresno as it is in Heaven,” for pick-up from our office, you can order it below.

andrewfeilIn Fresno As It Is In Heaven
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Register for One Small Step

If you are like me, you sense a growing divide in our country, state, and cities. We are at each other’s throats!

ENP has always been about the work of creating spaces for people from various backgrounds to cross paths, build relationships, and co-create the community that we want to live in.

ENP and StoryCorps welcomes residents in the Fresno/Central Valley area to apply to be matched with fellow residents from across the political divide for conversations about their lives – not about politics – through One Small Step. The conversation invites two people who don’t know each other—and may not think they have anything in common—to take a moment to discover their shared humanity. Let’s heal our community one courageous conversation at a time. 

andrewfeilRegister for One Small Step
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Asset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation

Every Neighborhood Partnership is rooted in a framework called Asset Based Community Development or ABCD for short. Any Community Based Organization that believes in Asset Based Community Development starts with a basic premise that local communities can do more together by choosing to focus on what they have — their gifts, talents, and community assets — instead of what they are missing.* Imagine how you view a glass of water that is half-way filled up. Is it empty or full?

ABCD is a way of both strengthening community social capital and organizing community change. While this serves as an initial baseline for how asset-based inspired organizations approach the work of community engagement, not all organizations that adopt the ABCD methodology end with the same goals. 

Germán QuiñonezAsset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation
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Refuncionalización del desarrollo comunitario

Este artículo ha sido escrito por el antiguo becario de la PEV Alexis Kalugin.

En las últimas décadas, el desarrollo institucional de la comunidad ha asumido la estructura de la mayoría de las funciones comunitarias. En lugar de encontrar formas de involucrar a los vecinos para que sean la voz del cambio en su comunidad, la mayoría de las ciudades han hecho recaer el peso del cambio en las instituciones. El problema de esta narrativa es que los trabajadores de las escuelas, las fuerzas del orden y la sanidad son responsables de más problemas comunitarios de los que pueden manejar. No existe una relación entre la institución y la comunidad para entender cada problema. Este enfoque se convierte en una talla única y deja un vacío entre la institución y los ciudadanos. 

Gabrielle PicenoRefuncionalización del desarrollo comunitario
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Leones, tigres de papel y osos... ¡Oh, Dios!

Bueno, ¡quizás sólo fue Tigres de Papel! Paper Tigers es un documental que sigue un año en la vida de un instituto alternativo en Walla Walla, Washington. El instituto cambió radicalmente su forma de disciplinar a sus alumnos. Incluso se convirtió en un modelo prometedor de cómo romper los ciclos de pobreza, violencia y enfermedad que afectaban a sus familias. Vea el tráiler a continuación o consulte la película aquí.

Paper Tigers Trailer - KPJR Films from KPJR FILMS LLC on Vimeo.

El enfoque que utilizó esta escuela se llama Atención informada por el trauma enfoque. La atención informada por el trauma es un cambio de paradigma que pasa del juicio a la compasión. From preguntar "¿qué le pasa a ese niño?" a preguntar "me pregunto qué le pasa a este niño".

Brian SemsemLeones, tigres de papel y osos... ¡Oh, Dios!
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De voluntario a personal

"Esta es Amy, la coordinadora de deportes de los sábados de la PEV".

Probablemente lo hayas leído si alguna vez has recibido un correo electrónico mío. Dado que soy relativamente nuevo aquí (contratado en agosto '18), apostaría que la mayoría de los que leen no tienen idea de quién soy. Con suerte, algunos me han visto al menos dirigiendo una Orientación SS o asistiendo a nuestro personal en eventos de equipamiento. La mayor parte de lo que hago para el PEV es coordinar a los voluntarios de los sábados de deportes, dirigir las orientaciones de los SS, y la planificación y el papeleo para mantener los SS organizados. Sin embargo, también facilito nuestro programa de tamborileo social emocional, Beat the Odds, en un par de escuelas alrededor de Fresno. Este es un trabajo que, lamentablemente, la mayoría de la gente no llega a presenciar.

Amy SavageDe voluntario a personal
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