Blog de la PEV

¡¡¡Eso sí que es una mesa de picnic!!!

Los voluntarios de la Iglesia de la Comunidad de la Trinidad recientemente terminaron la construcción de una impresionante mesa de picnic en Jackson. Usted puede tener una imagen mental de una pequeña mesa linda que se sienta 4-6 personas cómodamente. No, esta mesa tiene capacidad para muchas personas.

Ahora los niños que vienen a Saturday Sports tienen un gran lugar para hacer manualidades, comer su almuerzo al final de la mañana. También podrán disfrutar en la escuela durante la semana.

Esta mesa tampoco se va a ir a ninguna parte pronto. Probablemente estará allí para que estos niños les muestren a sus nietos, y ellos contarán las historias sobre la buena gente "la iglesia" que construyó esa mesa para ellos. Estoy seguro de que los niños también recordarán un montón de otras formas increíbles, que estos voluntarios Trinity Community Church hizo un impacto en sus vidas.

Esta tabla servirá simplemente de recordatorio.



Andrew Feil is a dedicated professional with a profound commitment to community transformation. As the Executive Director of Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP), Andrew is at the forefront of activating, equipping, and mobilizing community members, organizations, and institutions to drive positive change in Fresno. A devoted husband to Denise Feil and a father of four boys, Andrew and his family call the vibrant Tower District of Fresno home. Beyond his leadership role at ENP, Andrew serves as adjunct faculty at Fresno Pacific University in the School of Humanities, Religion, and Social Sciences, bringing his wealth of experience to the academic sphere. Andrew's educational background includes a Bachelor's degree from Fresno Pacific University and a Master's degree from Bakke Graduate University in Social and Civic Entrepreneurship. His diverse skill set, honed through years of experience, positions him as a dynamic force in community development. Having transitioned from the role of Associate Director in 2015 to Executive Director in 2020, Andrew provides strategic leadership direction for ENP. He oversees the organization's partnerships, finances, and operations, ensuring its continued success in fostering positive community impact. Passionate about leveraging existing community assets, Andrew envisions a future where everyone possesses the ability to be decision-makers, contributing to the creation of healthy and thriving neighborhoods. In addition to his professional pursuits, Andrew enjoys staying active, gardening, indulging in literary pursuits, and supporting the Los Angeles Dodgers and Liverpool Reds.

andrewfeil¡¡¡Eso sí que es una mesa de picnic!!!