Blog de la PEV

2022 Summer Resources

Are your kids looking for something to do this summer? Check out this page full of summer learning resources, summer camps, and other fun activities that they will love!

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Fresno County Library events and competitions:

Fresno Unified:

Online Learning Site Resources:

Summer Activities

City of Fresno:

Camp Fresno:

  • Free Summer Camps for 1,000 youth ages 8-17 years old. Sign up here Interest form.

PAID Summer Camps in Fresno:

Martin Park VBS:

Online Search Tool for upcoming kid events:

Planet Fitness:

Do you know of any other kid activities happening in Fresno this summer? Email us at and we’ll add them to this list!

Food Near You

Central California Food Bank is here to help you get access to the food you need. To find a food distribution near you, utilize our daily calendar, enroll in CalFresh, or sign-up for a pick-up.

  • Groceries 2 Go: Schedule a pick-up appointment at our Groceries 2 Go location Monday – Friday (7am-4pm) or at one of our satellite locations near you (hours vary by location). Schedule Appointment Here

Need help enrolling in CalFresh: Our CalFresh team can help!

Enroll in CalFresh

Sabrina Rodarte2022 Summer Resources
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Neighborhood News – Mayo Update

Hello ENP Family & Friends,

You are going to notice something on display in this newsletter. This is a story-driven newsletter. Stories about the ways our volunteers and staff are intersecting with people in the schools and neighborhoods that make up our wonderful city.

I am encouraged because it is the simple act of being present and willing to enter into space with one another to pursue transformation. You will also notice we have changed the name of one of our departments. With our expansion to working with 100 paid Fresno State Students through College Corp (Blog Here!) we felt like merging Literacy and Recreation all under School Support made the most sense! 

Please read these stories and recognize that because of your gifts in finances, volunteer hours, and community support of ENP this work is possible. 

Dominick, Isabella, Mariah, Sylvia, Jason, Ana, MJ, and Emily are all impacted because you believe and invest in us. Thank you and please don’t stop!

Give here to continue this work.

Andrew Feil

Director Ejecutivo, Every Neighborhood Partnership

Gabrielle PicenoNeighborhood News – Mayo Update
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60 NEW Positions Available for Students to Make a Difference while Paying for College

Fresno State and Every Neighborhood Partnership Collaborate to Launch #CaliforniansForAll College Corps Program

Through a new State initiative, Every Neighborhood Partnership will host 60 Fresno State students (in addition to 40 Read Fresno students) who will serve as literacy mentors in classrooms, run after-school reading intervention programs, and support Saturday Sports at eight local K-12 schools.

The #CaliforniansforAll College Corps initiative is the first of its kind, designed to create opportunities for low-income, first-generation college students to graduate college debt-free while empowering them to serve in their communities. College Corps Fellows will receive up to $10,000 for a total of 450 hours of community service hours during the academic year.

Fresno State was chosen as one of the 48 partner colleges for the College Corps program and has selected Every Neighborhood Partnership as one of the organizations their students will work with. 

Students who complete the College Corps program will receive:

  • $10,000 ($7,000 living stipend broken into monthly distributions during the academic year, plus a $3,000 Education Award)
  • Academic credit
  • Real-world job experience to add to a resume
  • Training, networking and professional development opportunities

The first cohort of College Corps Fellows will begin in Agosto 2022. Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. Learn more and apply to be a College Corps Fellow by visiting the Central Valley College Corps website here or contacting Mellissa Jessen-Hiser at

Ashley Goldsmith60 NEW Positions Available for Students to Make a Difference while Paying for College
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Register for One Small Step

If you are like me, you sense a growing divide in our country, state, and cities. We are at each other’s throats!

ENP has always been about the work of creating spaces for people from various backgrounds to cross paths, build relationships, and co-create the community that we want to live in.

ENP and StoryCorps welcomes residents in the Fresno/Central Valley area to apply to be matched with fellow residents from across the political divide for conversations about their lives – not about politics – through One Small Step. The conversation invites two people who don’t know each other—and may not think they have anything in common—to take a moment to discover their shared humanity. Let’s heal our community one courageous conversation at a time. 

andrewfeilRegister for One Small Step
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New Project Aims to Combat Unhealthy Conditions in Southwest Fresno

In 2012, a Fresno State study led by Dr. John Capitman found that residents living in Southwest Fresno live roughly twenty years less than those in wealthier parts of the city. The issues contributing to this disparity are complex, multi-faceted, and interconnected. Two of these factors, environmental hazards and limited access to nutritious foods, have produced exceptionally poor health conditions for residents of this neighborhood.

Southwest Fresno families must travel outside of the community to access quality produce. This required travel contributes to Southwest Fresno being one of the unhealthiest air quality regions in the Fresno metropolitan area. A lack of access to healthy, readily-available food contributes to significant and detrimental health effects such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.

Southwest Holistic Health Project

Through the Southwest Holistic Health Project, Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP) is working to address these issues.

The Southwest Holistic Health Project’s objective is to improve the overall health and well-being of residents by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through local, quality food options. Providing further access points to healthy fruits and vegetables will allow residents to travel by vehicle less, thus reducing the carbon footprint and increasing the life expectancy of residents in Southwest Fresno. The project involves two key components: 1) the development of community gardens and 2) education on food insecurity and healthy eating. ENP has received a $75,000 grant through the  Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program to carry out a demonstration program which will launch the Southwest Holistic Health Project.

Ashley GoldsmithNew Project Aims to Combat Unhealthy Conditions in Southwest Fresno
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Asset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation

Every Neighborhood Partnership is rooted in a framework called Asset Based Community Development or ABCD for short. Any Community Based Organization that believes in Asset Based Community Development starts with a basic premise that local communities can do more together by choosing to focus on what they have — their gifts, talents, and community assets — instead of what they are missing.* Imagine how you view a glass of water that is half-way filled up. Is it empty or full?

ABCD is a way of both strengthening community social capital and organizing community change. While this serves as an initial baseline for how asset-based inspired organizations approach the work of community engagement, not all organizations that adopt the ABCD methodology end with the same goals. 

Germán QuiñonezAsset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation
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ENP is Hiring! Multiple Positions Available

ENP is expanding our School Support Department with 3 new positions:

  • Volunteer Staff Coordinator: Oversee and manage the ENP volunteer and college staff experience from start to finish. Make sure everyone has a smooth onboarding, service experience, and off-boarding. This could include the creation of job descriptions, fingerprinting, connecting to various departments within ENP and the Fresno State Richter Center.
  • Extended Learning Coordinator: Manage and oversee college staff and church/community volunteers at ENP’s Extended Learning programming including Read Fresno After School intervention, Saturday Sports, and other community after school programming as needed.
  • Literacy Mentor Coordinator: Manage and oversee college staff and church/community volunteers in ENP’s Literacy Mentor program.

To Apply: Fill out this Google Form and upload your resume and cover letter

Gabrielle PicenoENP is Hiring! Multiple Positions Available
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A Church Discerning its Time and Place

This webinar includes biblical foundations, key tools and questions, as well as examples from churches and an opportunity to interact with other church leaders wrestling with their role.

Presented in English, this is an online event via zoom. Lunch is included via gift card.

Tim Soerens –
Author, Church Planter, Catalyst

Tim Soerens is the co-founding executive director of the Parish Collective ( and author of the newly released, Everywhere You Look: Discovering the Church, Right Where You Are (IVP 2020) and co-author of The New Parish (IVP 2014). Along with his wife Coté, he is helping to start South Park Neighborhood Church. Tim is a co-founding owner of Resistencia Coffee, as well as the South Park Idea Lab. 

Coté Soerens, –
Planter, Innovator, Business Owner

Coté is a Planter and Innovator. As a neighborhood pastor, Coté has focused on discerning God’s dreams for the South Park community since 2014. This journey led her to see the neighborhood as an endless source of inspiration for community-based projects and community enterprises such as Resistencia Coffee, The Urban Fresh Food Collective, El Mercadito Farmer’s Market, The South Park Arts & Culture Collective, and South Park Neighborhood Christian Church.

Gabrielle PicenoA Church Discerning its Time and Place
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