Hello Andrew,
Recently folks have asked… “So does ENP change much when the school year starts?”
You have NO IDEA! We are like a bunch of busy bees around here!
We got students to hire, train and place in schools… (100 to be exact!)
We got parent groups starting back up… (Olmos & Columbia)
We have more outreach or tabling events than we can handle…
We are working on adding new church partners…
Oh did I mention that we are doing our banquet on Septiembre 22nd! Love to have you join us.
But honestly, in all the work I am so grateful for the fantastic new staff we have, the deep community engagement we are doing, and the support of our friends, partner organizations, and this community.
By way of updates, we are also working on our first strategic plan which includes an update to our mission, vision, and values. More details coming in Octubre! Enjoy these updates and the good work you are supporting…
Can’t wait to see you at our Fall in Love with Fresno Banquet!