You’re invited to ENP’s Fall in Love with Fresno 2024 Banquet!

Holland Park West | October 10 | 6 PM-9 PM

Silent auction | Mocktail bar | Buffet dinner | Partner awards | Stories of impact | Sneak peak of ENP’s new building!

Now more than ever, Every Neighborhood Partnership is so grateful for the amazing connections and partnerships we have cultivated over the last 16 years. At this year’s Fall in Love with Fresno event, we will share stories of impact and exciting updates about what’s coming — like the vision for our new building!

But if we’ve learned anything, we’ve learned there is not one organization or person in the city of Fresno who will make change – it will take ALL of us. Our skills, relationships, connections, dreams, and actions are truly only better, if we are all together.

This year, we want to take a special opportunity to celebrate the amazing people and organizations we have worked with this past year in order to see amazing collaborative transformation take place for our kids, schools, and neighborhoods. We hope people from every sector of our city are represented at this year’s Fall in Love with Fresno event, because we truly believe, we are better together.

A recap of last year’s ENP banquet! 

Sponsorship and Volunteer Opportunities

If you choose to sponsor Every Neighborhood Partnership’s Fall in Love with Fresno event, you are unifying business owners, pastors, educators, artists, government officials, nonprofit leaders, and families in radical love for our city. Beyond this event, you are investing in the long-term transformation of Fresno. The work of the last 16 years would not have been possible without the financial support of our community. Stewarding these investments has been a sacred privilege, and we will ensure every penny given toward the future work of ENP serves to make our city look more like Heaven. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities below:

Become an Event Sponsor

Saplings Sponsorship: $2,000

  • 1 table for 8 people
  • Logo displayed across all event marketing, website, social media, etc.
  • Exclusive opportunity to introduce and present one of the 5 different awards we are going to be giving out during the night!
  • Exclusive Invitation to Pre-Event Sponsor Soiree at 5PM
  • Running Slide Deck highlight on the Sponsorship Screen at event
  • Thank You Gift

Roots Sponsorship: $7,000

  • 2 Reserved Tables of 8
  • Logo displayed across all event marketing, website, social media, etc.
  • Exclusive opportunity to introduce and present one of the 5 different awards we are going to be giving out during the night!
  • Exclusive Invitation to Pre-Event Sponsor Soiree at 5PM
  • Running Slide Deck highlight on the Sponsorship Screen at event
  • Thank You Gift
  • Invitation into The Circle (ENP’s Donor Circle)
  • Logo displayed on cocktail tables
  • Vendor table at event if desired

Branches Sponsorship: $12,000

  • 2 tables for 8 people each
  • Logo displayed across all event marketing, website, social media, etc.
  • Exclusive opportunity to introduce and present one of the 5 different awards we are going to be giving out during the night!
  • Exclusive Invitation to Pre-Event Sponsor Soiree at 5PM
  • Running Slide Deck highlight on the Sponsorship Screen at event
  • Thank You Gift
  • Invitation into The Circle (ENP’s Donor Circle)
  • Logo displayed on cocktail tables
  • Vendor table at event if desired
  • Sponsorship of Awards being given at the event
  • Exclusive Every Neighborhood CityScope Tour by ENP ($1,500 value)

Donate a Silent Auction Item

We would love you to participate in our silent auction by donating an item or experience! The logo of your company will be displayed at our Fall in Love with Fresno banquet.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers will help make our Fall in Love with Fresno banquet a success! Here are three areas ways you can support this event as a volunteer:

  • Make requests for silent auction items.
  • Assemble decor and silent auction items the week of the event.
  • Set up decor the day of ENP’s Fall in Love with Fresno event.

Email Grace Berg at if you are interested in these volunteer opportunities!

Past Sponsors

ENP’s work of the last 16 years would not have been possible without the financial support of our community. Thank you to the following businesses, organizations, and individuals for investing in the long-term transformation of Fresno.

    Ashley GoldsmithFall in Love with Fresno 2024