Health and Wellness
A Program Of Every Neighborhood Partnership
Equipping and Empowering individuals to live a healthy and whole life.
Neighborhood Fitness Programs
Physical activity promotes culture, social connection, and mental wellness. These classes are designed to fit each age group with intentional locations that provide convenient access to residents in multiple neighborhoods. Each class is led by a trained community health worker that promotes wellness in their own neighborhood.
We offer classes in English and Spanish!
Neighborhood Latin dance fitness is a dance fitness program that is given by residents who received dance training to provide a culture of health in their own neighborhood.
Danza Latino es un programa de entrenamiento de baile que se ofrece a residencias que recibieron entrenamiento de baile para proporcionar una cultura de la salud en su propio vecindario.
Neighborhood Latin dance is a program of Every Neighborhood Partnerships, a nonprofit organization anchored in Fresno. ENP receives funding from churches, individuals and businesses like Community Regional Medical, Cal Viva Health, and Saint Agnes Medical Center.
Danza Latino de Vecindad es un programa de Every Neighborhood Partnerships (ENP), y financiado por donationes de Iglesias, individuales, y negocios como Community Regional Center, Cal Viva Health y Saint Agnes Medical Center.
Dance Fitness
Group Exercise that includes dance and fitness variations to different styles of beats (Latin and Hip Hop). Easy-to-follow moves combining fast and slow rhythms that provide a fun workout for all.
Wednesday 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM
Olmos Elementary
(Closed when school is out of session)
550 S Garden Ave
Thursday 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Kirk Elementary
(Closed when school is out of session)
2000 E Belgravia Ave
Kidz Fitness
Kids Fitness is a group exercise for school-aged kids that consist of easy-to-follow dance routines, and games that consist of movement. We break down the steps and add activities and cultural exploration elements into the class structure. This is a fun class for kids that not only provides exercise but also builds confidence.
Times and Locations to come.
Senior Fitness
Group Exercise that includes low impact dance and fitness variations to different styles of beats (Latin and Hip Hop).
Times and Locations to come.
Strength Training
Group Fitness includes using free weights, resistance bands, and your own body weight. Strength training increases muscle strength by making muscles work against a weight or force. |
Times and Locations to come.
Walking Clubs
Coming Soon! |
Times and Locations to come.
Pláticas de Salud | Health Talks
The Community Engagement model encourages collaboration across vulnerable communities and local CBOs. The program is led by Community Health Workers trained to lead community-conversations that address the social determinants to health and wellness.
¡Pláticas de Salud!/Health Talks! program works to expand access to public health to address all aspects of life that promote health and well-being, including:
○ Environment
○ Food
○ Physical health
○ Housing
○ Safe neighborhoods
Pláticas de Salud/Health Talks! Key programs includes:
Women’s Alliance
Parent Cafe
Community Conversations
Digital Literacy
¡Viva! Healthy Eating Program
The goal of ¡Viva! Healthy Eating Program is to help community members make healthy choices that benefit their physical wellbeing. Neighborhood Health and Wellness equips residents by:
- Increasing access to healthy foods and beverages
- Increasing access to local grown foods
- Increasing access to school and community gardens
- Mitigating the appeal and consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages
- Mitigating the barriers to public healthy foods education for all ages
- Mitigating the stigma that healthy foods is not culturally relevant
Nutrition 101
6 weeks nutrition course that focuses on healthy eating, food related issues, how to read food labels the benefits of healthy foods creating healthy recipes healthy cooking food demonstrations.
Kids Nutrition
Cooking Demonstrations
School Gardens
How To Read Nutrition Labels
Around The Table
L.E.A.P. Program
(Leadership, Education, Action, Promotora)
Coming soon!
In the ‘Promotora’ community health worker model, a well-known and trusted community leader—in many instances a mother or grandmother— receives formal community-building and health training. The education is shared with neighbors and community members seeking assistance with navigating the healthcare system, managing or preventing disease and even learning about complex health issues, including mental health and substance abuse. ‘Promotora’ programs have been instrumental in helping healthcare systems outreach to hard-to-reach populations, including the uninsured, underinsured and undocumented. These populations tend to shy from preventative care and often seek care in the emergency room. This type of innovative outreach is even
more important in the current political times, where uninsured populations, especially the undocumented, fear seeking services for fear of deportation. The most important components of a successful ‘Promotora’ program include:
• Trusted backbone organization providing support and coordination
• Full to part time employee for program coordination
• Initial curriculum/training for ‘Promotora’ capacity building
• Health-focused training (healthcare access and insurance coverage, diabetes prevention, nutrition, etc.)
• Stipends to compensate ‘Promotoras’ for their time and promotion
Once a ‘Promotora’ receives the capacity building training, they go our in their neighborhoods and connect with individuals and families facing ‘Access to Care’ barriers. Promotoras often help families with navigating coverage, establishing linkage with a primary care provider, among others.
Promotores Basic Training
Cultivating Mental Health
Understanding what Mental Health is and the factors that impact it, understanding ourselves, and stress triggers. Tools and techniques on how to take care of our mental health and emotional well-being,
Diabetes Prevention
Providing Skills to manage diabetes more effectivity by checking blood sugar regularly, eating healthy food, being active, taking medicines as
prescribed, and handling stress.
Community Resilience Training
Science-based insights to teach about brain science, the impact of trauma on the brain, and the importance of resilience.
Chronic Disease Self Management
Techniques to deal with symptoms of chronic conditions. This program is designed to build confidence in participants ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives.
Civic Engagement Program (12 weeks)
Want to Learn More or Become an Instructor?
Contact Jennifer Parra at 559-365-8548 or email below.