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ENP Blog
Great Fun Hoopin’ it Up!
The gates opened at 9am on Saturday morning and kids began to arrive to “Hoop It Up”! They had fun hanging out with friends and practicing until it was their time to compete.
The boys were ready to compete!There was one little girl however, who was looking a little sad. We asked her what was wrong. She quietly replied, “The boys said that girls can’t play basketball.” We reminded her that was NOT the case and ushered her over to the check-in table. She signed in, put her blue t-shirt on and began practicing.
Kids in our partnership neighborhoods don’t have many opportunities to participate in competitions like Hoop It Up. This was a morning of fun for them and a new experience for many.
patiently waiting their turn89 kids participated from nine different schools. Each child received a very cool Hoop It Up t-shirt (thanks to our awesome sponsors) and then waited for their turn at the free throw line. Everyone had fun!
. . . some kids needed a little extra help 1st, 2nd & 3rd place medals were awarded at the end of the morning in all age categoriesWHAT A GREAT MORNING!
Fun morning for everyone!THANKS VOLUNTEERS!
GREAT group of volunteers!Thanks to our great group of volunteers who had fun interacting with the kids & helped make Hoop It Up a huge success!
– Kids had the chance to compete (a new experience for many of them).
– It was another opportunity to promote health and fitness.
– Hoop it up brought more awareness of the value of Saturday Sports and the need for mentoring kids in our Fresno Neighborhoods
– and we raised enough money to purchase sports equipment for 30+ Saturday Sports Programs that will start up again in the fall!
Thank to Kaiser Permanente, J&D Foods, Fresno Housing Authority, Cargill, Torosian & Walter, NY Life, Spirit Radio, Fresno Breast Surgery, Spike & Rail, Holiday Inn Swan Court, FS Lawn, Bobby Salazar’s, and a lot other friends of ENP who helped sponsor kids to compete in the event!
We also want to thank Principal Tharpe for allowing us to Hoop It Up at Olmos Elementary!
Special thanks to Walgreens who not only provided unlimited water for everyone, but came in person to hand it out throughout the morning AND even helped with the competition.
Thanks also to the Fresno State Nonprofit Management Class and Professor Zhanna Bagdasarov who assisted ENP in planning and seeking sponsorships for Hoop It Up!
This day was a beautiful picture of MANY in our community coming together for the kids! We at ENP value the partnerships we have with churches, businesses, universities, and our schools and know that Fresno is a better place because there are SO MANY who want to be part of the transformation!
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ALSO WORTH NOTING: The first medal was awarded to A GIRL! Who said “girls can’t play basketball” anyway!
* The first medal was awarded to A GIRL!!!
Let’s “Hoop It Up” for our Kids!
On the morning of Saturday, May 30th, Olmos Elementary will be filled with kids trying to reach a goal as they compete with other kids their age in ENP’s Hoop it Up Basketball Competition.
THEIR GOAL: To make baskets from various spots on the key and get points for each basket!
ENP has several goals for the day as well!
The purpose of this event is to promote the importance of physical activity, bring awareness of the value and need for mentoring kids in our Fresno neighborhoods, and raise funds for Saturday Sports.
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– Participants will receive an event t-shirt
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Medals will be given
in each of the following categories:
1st grade and under
2nd-4th grade
5th-6th grade}
7th-8th grade
High School
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We are also looking for folks who would like to sponsor a child from one of our partnership neighborhoods to participate in the event.
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. . . not to BE served, BUT TO SERVE
More than 150 projects took place during Serve Fresno Week, with 40+ churches participating. There were 11 park clean-ups, 6 school beautification projects, and 1000’s of hours of raking, shoveling, cleaning, beautifying, painting, blessing, playing, crafting, tutoring, bike fixing, advocating and encouraging!
Projects blessed many non-profit organizations, including Poverello House, Youth for Christ, Rescue the Children, Campus Life, Spirit of Woman, Community Food Bank and Marjaree Mason Center. The data is truly impressive, but it’s the stories that share impact!
In the Sequoia Neighborhood, two projects were coordinated by Clovis Hills in coordination with the principal and vice principal at Sequoia Middle School. They invited students, parents and staff to join them for an alley clean-up project on Thursday and a campus beautification on Saturday.
The relationship that has been built over the years between Clovis Hills and Sequoia is a true partnership, evident by the church’s presence neighborhood throughout the year. They are seeing the value of including students, staff and families. We will enjoy watching this partnership (and these relationships) continue to grow.
At the Lafayette Park Clean-up Project, folks from two different churches were there sweeping, raking and cleaning up this beautiful park. A little boy came by and asked what they were doing. One of the volunteers told him, “Some friends from my church and Pastor Oputa’s church are cleaning up the park tonight. The little boy then asked, “Can I help?”
“Of course you can!” they said. Then he worked alongside volunteers until the project was done. He knows Pastor Oputa from Saturday Sports which takes place at Lafayette Park twice a month. He also now has a glimpse of other ways The Church serves and loves his neighborhood . . . and he wants to be a part.
A life group from The Well helped organize a celebration with a small church in Sanger for for kids in this farming neighborhood. It was a huge success! When the volunteers found out the church struggles to do this event every month, they decided that together their life group would take it on as a monthly project.
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At the 4141 Ministries project, a couple Fresno State volunteers signed up to serve. One of the girls, now a freshman at Fresno State, (not so many years ago) faithfully attended one of the first Saturday Sports Programs in Fresno. She grew up seeing The Church love and serve her neighborhood and in the process a strong relationship was built with her family. Now she is finding ways to follow that example of service and giving back to her city.
In serving we are not simply doing something that needs to be done, and not just so we can check “serving” off our to-do list. In the process of serving, we learn more about our city and the people we would not get the chance to know if we didn’t spend time in their neighborhood. We are hearing the stories and learning about needs of the people, organizations that are serving and the opportunities we have to walk alongside them, support and encouragement them.
It was an amazing week to watch THE CHURCH united in serving Fresno (and beyond!) It also brought a lot of folks from our churches outside the walls of buildings, into the heart of our city and into the lives of the people.
In serving, we are setting an example for our children, for the Church, and our city. We may never see the full impact, but in the process of serving He brings people into our lives; and while we think we were there to make a difference in THEIR neighborhood, He often uses the opportunity to make in impact in OUR hearts!
It is the Mission of ENP to help churches partner with elementary schools and neighborhoods in our city, with a vision of seeing the Church deeply engaged and invested, not for just a week, but throughout the year. It is the goal of ENP to see a church partnering with every neighborhood in our city, to see our schools supported and blessed as they teach OUR kids. Ultimate goal: healthy families and a thriving city! During Serve Fresno Week it felt like THE CHURCH made a giant step toward that goal!
*SERVE FRESNO is a movement of churches united in serving the city as the body of Christ . . . not just for a week, but throughout the year! This movement WILL continue and we look forward to watching it it grow.
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“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
*Check out the Serve Fresno Week highlight video on the home page.
It’s “GIVING TUESDAY” What is the purpose?
GIVING TUESDAY: “A global day dedicated to giving back.” “A movement to create a national day of giving to kick off the “giving” season.”
Giving Tuesday is a great idea, no doubt. But for all of us at ENP, we see people GIVING every day! On our school campuses during the week folks are volunteering in classrooms, helping students who might be struggling with reading or math. Others are hosting a Homework Club, Bible Club, or Leadership Club after school. On Saturdays, an average of 1500 kids are having fun with volunteers who GIVE a couple hours of time at Saturday Sports to simply spend time with kids and make a small investment in their lives. And that’s PART of it!
We witness servant hearted people EVERY DAY from our churches, businesses, universities, as well as families in our partnership neighborhoods GIVING of their time to make an impact in the lives of children and families and ultimately in the health of our city.
What would our world look like if we all considered EVERY DAY a GIVING day?
ENP’s role is to connect volunteers with opportunities in our city to serve and GIVE and in the process build relationships. That’s the key: relationships! We make it easy for the church to connect with a school and help them find ways they can make an impact in that school and neighborhood. (FYI – 98,944 volunteer hours so far this year!)
It is also very clear that we could not do what we do without those who are GIVING to ENP financially. Individuals, churches, and businesses GIVE so ENP can equip and connect folks to serve.
So, THANK YOU! Thank you for caring. (If you are reading this, you obviously care.)
You may already be GIVING your TIME and/or TREASURE. If so, we also want to say THANK YOU! We would also like you to invite others to do the same.
There are more schools who would love a partnership church to come along side them. There are so many kids who could use a little extra help in with reading or math. The kids at Saturday Sports LOVE having positive, caring people to hang out with (and you don’t even have to love sports!) Opportunities to GIVE, and LOVE our city are abundant! And it’s so easy! You don’t even have to travel far.
If you would like more information about how you can GET INVOLVED or DONATE to ENP, you can get more information on our website. We would also love to talk to you!
Maybe we should start a new movement: “GIVING: 365” . . . because that’s what we are calling it! We have the blessing of seeing people in our city GIVING 365 days of the year! We would love to have you join us . . . or invite someone else along, and share the blessing!
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We pray that your Thanksgiving was a time of truly being thankful for friends, family and life’s many blessings, and you enjoy this Christmas season and the BEST GIFT OF ALL!
Throughout the year we have the privilege AND JOY to work alongside so many people who have a heart for our city! We are thankful for each one of them and blessed as we watch the many ways folks are engaging our city, and so generously giving their time, gifts, talents and treasures to invest in the lives of children, families and schools in our Fresno neighborhoods.
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Saturday Sports leaders & volunteers
who give up a few hours on their Saturday mornings to spend time with kids.
30 Saturday Sports Programs
average of 1500 kids each week
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Volunteers who help out during the week in classrooms and on school campuses.
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Thanks to churches who are more than just a building in the neighborhood, but seeking ways to bless children and families while serving with a giving heart to show Christ’s love to our city.
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Drivers who deliver lunches to Saturday Sports
Photographers who help us capture the JOY
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Community Partners
who share the same vision for a thriving city!
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Fresno State and Fresno Pacific students who add energy & enthusiasm to Saturday Sports & as tutors in classrooms
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Parents who are volunteering (investing) in their neighborhoods and schools; a simple way for them to grow and exercise their residential leadership.
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Young people who are volunteering while becoming leaders and role models in their communities
to those who support ENP financially!
Individuals, churches, Businesses and foundations make it possible for ENP to continue equipping and connecting people who have a heart to serve, with opportunities to invest in a city that we all love.
As we serve, we learn about each other, and we learn more about ourselves. We understand and appreciate the unique diversity of our city and grow to love the people who become a rich part of our lives!
So much of giving comes from a thankful heart. It TRULY is “in giving that we receive”. Ask anyone who spends time with kids and families in our partnership neighborhoods! The blessings are huge!
May YOU be truly blessed
as you give thanks this week!
From all of us at ENP!
Students Visit from San Diego
Recently a group of students from San Diego Christian College visited Fresno for a missions exposure trip. Rather than sitting in San Diego LEARNING about missions, they came to Fresno to DO missions!
Groups had the opportunity to visit Saturday Sports as well as Sunday morning church services our partnership neighborhoods. Here are a few of the comments they shared about their experiences from SATURDAY SPORTS at Olmos, Kirk & Columbia:
- “Absolutely loved it. The kids were so awesome and I was so grateful to just have the chance to love on them.”
- “I had so much fun playing with the kids and would really like to come back and participate again”
- “Working with the kids was awesome.”
- “Very eye opening.”
- “Great kids.”
- “It was fun and the kids were all great, wish we could have spent more time with them.”
- “I loved being able to play with the kids and show them God’s love through my actions.”
- “The kids and leaders were amazing, just wish there was more we could do.”
- “Sweet kids, I pray they will love Jesus!”
- “It was really fun to be able to play with the kids and provide them with a meal.”
- “One of my favorite parts of the exposure trip . . . so much fun playing with the kids.”
Comments after CHURCH VISITS
(City of Refuge & Faith Worship Christian Center):
- “Awesome, I have never felt so welcome and given so many hugs at church.”
- “The people were amazing. Great service and great biscuits.”
- “The environment was so great and it was cool to see people from Saturday Sports there.”
- “The church welcomed us in! We felt encouraged and loved.”
- “Amazing worship, anointed service.”
- “I’ve never experienced worship or a message like that before. I liked being able to worship in a new way.”
- “I really enjoyed the service.”
- “The joy of the people was so evident as was their love for Christ and their community.”
- “The congregation was so energetic and welcoming.
- “The congregation was such an amazing and loving group of people.”
. . . a “lesson” they won’t soon forget!
Thanks SDCC! We loved having you!
Faithful Feet 2014
Another wonderful day in SE Fresno! Hundreds of children were able to pick out a new pair of shoes at El Encino Baptist Church at Faithful Feet 2014!
Volunteers from El Encino and Clovis Hills spent the morning blessing families while sharing a message of love. A shiny red fire truck was there with water to wash the feet of each child before being fitted with new socks and shoes. Families were also fed lunch and entertained by a group of kids from “We Got The Beat”.
This annual event began in 2000. Over the past 15 years thousands of shoes and socks have been given to school age children in this neighborhood. These families see “the church” as not only a place that gives their children something as a important as lunch and new shoes, but as a place that shares hope and love.
El Encino is more than a building across the street from the school. Clovis Hills is more than a church somewhere in north Fresno. When people hear the names of these two churches they probably think more about smiling, loving faces, than buildings
. . . maybe that’s the way it SHOULD be.
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These two churches are a true presence in this neighborhood, offering Saturday Sports at Sequoia Middle School and Calwa Elementary. This “presence” gives them the ability to see both needs and opportunities to come alongside families and be a blessing and encouragement throughout the year.
It’s Beginning to Feel Like Fall
. . . and we aren’t talking about the weather!!!
Kids are back in school and Saturdays are buzzing with activities! It’s the beginning of a new SATURDAY SPORTS SEASON!
On a Saturday morning you can see ENP volunteers picking up lunches at Poverello House for delivery to Saturday Sports sites. At the schools, kids are anxiously waiting for the gate to open on the school campus – they are ready to play! Partnership volunteers are unpacking sports equipment, crafts supplies and hanging the Saturday Sports sign which draws kids and families to a safe place for kid to have fun.
This past weekend there were 12 active Saturday Sports Programs with more than 500 kids enjoying activities on a beautiful Saturday morning. In the next few weeks, all 30 programs will be active and filled with kids, taking place in neighborhoods across our city.
Churches have taken the lead roll partnering with the school and neighborhood. Volunteers from the churches serve in a variety of ways; at Saturday Sports, on the school campus during the week and by hosting events and activities in the neighborhood.
In the past few years however, more and more Fresno State Students have taken advantage of the opportunities to serve alongside our church volunteers. In a few of our partnerships, Fresno State students are actually taking the lead in running Saturday Sports Programs.
It’s a pleasure to meet and engage with these students and introduce them to kids who look up to them as role models and heroes! University students can have huge impact on young lives. They can influence these students to do well in school and pursue a college education . . . and they also have a ton of energy and LOVE to play with the kids!
ENP’s partnership with Fresno State is a huge win on SO MANY LEVELS!
Students get the opportunity to complete their required service hours while volunteering in our Fresno neighborhoods and they are getting some great insight to the needs and opportunities to serve in our city.
They are also learning about ENP and more importantly, the valuable roll of the church, not just as a building on the corner, but as PEOPLE with a heart to love and serve.
Many students are referred to ENP through the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement at Fresno State, whose “mission” is to improve the education and development of students and helping create a better community through service and learning.
The mission is definitely being accomplished!
A number of Fresno State students continue to serve beyond their required hours and some beyond their graduation. Our partnerships are stronger because of these students, and our city’s future looks a little brighter when we envision the impact these young men and women will be making in years to come!
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Students are able to visit the ENP table at the Fresno State Volunteer Fairs and sign up to attend an orientation and get fingerprinted on the Fresno State Campus.
It can’t get much easier than that!
National “FUN” Night Out
Wesley United Methodist Church hosted an evening of FUN on Tuesday for National Night Out. This was the location of just one of the many events held throughout the country National Night Out, held annually since 1984 to promote neighborhood camaraderie, police-community partnerships and to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back!
Several groups planned this event that was full of fun for the kids and families in the neighborhood El Dorado Park neighborhood:
Wesley United Methodist Church
Associated Student, Inc. (ASI – Fresno State)
Boys & Girls Club, and
Building Neighborhood Capacity Program (BNCP).
The evening was filled with face painting, activities (including some of ENP’s new carnival games), food and resources for the families.
Special thanks to all the volunteers who made this evening a success, including students from several Fresno State organizations, Fresno State Campus Police, Dave Corona (with his fun games) and Via Church who is a new partner for Wolters Elementary School in this neighborhood.
It was a GREAT evening!