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New Project Aims to Combat Unhealthy Conditions in Southwest Fresno

In 2012, a Fresno State study led by Dr. John Capitman found that residents living in Southwest Fresno live roughly twenty years less than those in wealthier parts of the city. The issues contributing to this disparity are complex, multi-faceted, and interconnected. Two of these factors, environmental hazards and limited access to nutritious foods, have produced exceptionally poor health conditions for residents of this neighborhood.

Southwest Fresno families must travel outside of the community to access quality produce. This required travel contributes to Southwest Fresno being one of the unhealthiest air quality regions in the Fresno metropolitan area. A lack of access to healthy, readily-available food contributes to significant and detrimental health effects such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.

Southwest Holistic Health Project

Through the Southwest Holistic Health Project, Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP) is working to address these issues.

The Southwest Holistic Health Project’s objective is to improve the overall health and well-being of residents by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through local, quality food options. Providing further access points to healthy fruits and vegetables will allow residents to travel by vehicle less, thus reducing the carbon footprint and increasing the life expectancy of residents in Southwest Fresno. The project involves two key components: 1) the development of community gardens and 2) education on food insecurity and healthy eating. ENP has received a $75,000 grant through the  Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program to carry out a demonstration program which will launch the Southwest Holistic Health Project.

Ashley GoldsmithNew Project Aims to Combat Unhealthy Conditions in Southwest Fresno
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Meet Our New Resident Engagement Specialist

Christian Gonzalez at ENP as a Resident Engagement Specialist! 

We are pleased to congratulate Christian on her new role as a Resident Engagement Specialist within the Neighborhood Development Team of ENP. Her passion for community engagement and building relationships that cultivate empowerment has led her to pursue continued intention and growth in neighborhood-focused development. 

Within her new role, she will work in six targeted neighborhood elementary schools located in the 93702 and 93706 zip codes, to build a strong network of parent and resident leaders, build community capacity, and identify community priorities that lead to positive outcomes.

“Christian brings an amazing set of skills to the ENP team as our new Resident Engagement Specialist that we can’t wait to unleash her talent on the world”

– German Quinonez, Neighborhood Development Director 

Although we may not see her within the CEDP gatherings as often, this partnership allows us the benefit of staying connected and continuing to engage through other community and city networks. 

Feel free to send her well wishes at her new contact email:

Alexis KaluginMeet Our New Resident Engagement Specialist
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CalWalks and Southwest Fresno

When trying to get from point A to point B in a safe and speedy fashion, yet finding yourself at a standstill, whether because of a train and/or an overly long red light, this can be quite an inconvenience. Or, could the perceived disruption en route be an opportunity? Unfortunately, in Southwest Fresno, for those who live, work, play, and find themselves more often than not in Southwest Fresno, the disruptions have been evident for far too long.

In light of ENP actively seeking to establish and deepen existing relationships with residents in the 93706 zip code, those most impacted by the lack of streetscape development, we were able to respond to the call for the needed infrastructure improvements. 

On Julio 20, 2021, ENP partnered with Southwest Residents, Fresno Housing, and Fresno County Department of Public Health for a virtual tour led by Cal Berkeley CalWalks of three street segments in Southwest Fresno: A street, California Ave, and Church Ave. Residents were able to share firsthand areas that were missing, in their entirety, basic infrastructure and absolutely in need of infrastructure implementation. The end goal is to establish safe, just, and inclusive streets and public spaces. In the end, the virtual audit was a success! CalWalks was able to provide an extensive report which included an overall project summary and recommendations.

With an established team set in place, ENP will continue working with residents in moving our findings from ideas to tangible and positive changes in Southwest Fresno.  Some of those potential projects are as follows:

Daniel DomínguezCalWalks and Southwest Fresno
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Neighborhood Health and Wellness Impact Report

ENP’s Neighborhood Health and Wellness team has been hard at work this year with launching new programs and expanding current ones! Read our Impact Report of our Promotora/Community Health Worker program carried out in partnership with FCHIP (Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership) to learn more about the strives for holistic health being taken in our community.

Gabrielle PicenoNeighborhood Health and Wellness Impact Report
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Hub Highlight: Another Level Training Academy

We wanted to highlight one of our HUB highlights in the Webster Neighborhood led by Nia Hodge-Grier.

1. In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Another Level Training Academy in the Webster Neighborhood? 

The vision for ALTA is to make lasting relationships in the community, creating spaces for the community to heal by taking ACE’s courses to relate to those who have been marginalized and not heard. ALTA desires to meet the community’s needs by showing members of the community how to leverage the gifts that they possess while allowing them to use their voice and stated needs. ALTA’s goal is to move the community from needing services to creating a vibrant ecosystem within the community they live. We hope that this will become a trend in the community for generations to come.  

2. How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Webster neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a more profound way? 

Being a DRIVE HUB in Webster has challenged ALTA to take a more creative approach to reach residents. ALTA is learning new ways to leverage relationships and connect with organizations amid people hesitant because of COVID. ALTA is connecting with youth in the community through educational institutions to draw the seasoned members of the community to the table. ALTA  is learning to lean into this work and allowing the community to lead with what they desire for the community they live.

3. How has ENP been of support to you and Another Level Training Academy? 

ENP has been an enormous support to me by leading with transparency and letting me know that we are all learning as we go. In addition, ENP has been good about referring the information on additional training to help ALTA grow in the capacity it needs to serve the community further. I am very comfortable moving into the DRIVE initiative having the support from ENP to help us thrive internally and externally. I am confident that ALTA will continue to thrive with the support of ENP.

4. Up to this point, what is one thing you would like to highlight & share with others? 

The Highlight of the  DRIVE initiative is the effort being put forth to ensure that this initiative is diverse, inclusive, and practical. 

Hub Leader, Nia Hodge-Grier.
Alexis KaluginHub Highlight: Another Level Training Academy
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Sustaining Physical Activity in the Community During COVID-19

*This report is taken from the PEARS Success Story ID 23330

In partnership with the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH) and Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP), the Central Valley Health Policy Institute (CVHPI) has conducted a series of interviews with Latin Dance instructors before the COVID-19 pandemic and shortly after the shelter-in-place mandate was lifted. The initial interviews conducted in 2019 were aimed at understanding how the program has expanded, identifying challenges, and linking the program to resources. There were nine (n=9) Latin Dance instructors who were interviewed and provided input on these topics. Shortly thereafter, the pandemic struck and the opportunity to report findings back to the community was put to a halt. In the month of June 2021, follow-up interviews were conducted with the Latin Dance instructors to assess the current state of the project and how best to move forward. A total of five interviews were conducted with the Latin Dance instructors. On June 30th, 2021, the CVHPI met with  the FCDPH, ENP, and the Latin Dance instructors who were interviewed to report back findings and ensure that all ideas were captured. The following is a summary of both findings from all interviews as well as topics that came forward during fruitful discussions with the Latin Dance instructors. 

Gabrielle PicenoSustaining Physical Activity in the Community During COVID-19
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Remedios caseros y salud comunitaria

Las promotoras de la PEV, o trabajadoras sanitarias de la comunidad, han estado organizando un grupo semanal de apoyo a las mujeres. Al organizar los temas de los grupos, preguntan a las asistentes sobre qué les gustaría oír. Uno de los temas que las mujeres han pedido es "remedios caseros". Johanna, una de las promotoras, compartió recursos de remedios caseros tradicionales con los que estaba familiarizada.

Gabrielle PicenoRemedios caseros y salud comunitaria
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Alfabetización Digital

Los lunes y miércoles del 8 de febrero al 4 de marzo los miembros del personal de ENP Suzzy Pinal y Angie Conde dirigieron la primera clase de alfabetización digital en español de ENP. COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de formación básica en informática y tecnología, especialmente entre nuestros vecinos de habla hispana. Durante 4 semanas, entre 12 y 30 estudiantes se reunieron a través del zoom para aprender conocimientos básicos de informática. El entusiasmo a medida que se aprendían nuevas habilidades era palpable y los instructores disfrutaban viendo cómo los ojos de los estudiantes se iluminaban al entender cosas nuevas.

Todos los participantes dijeron que recomendarían el curso a un amigo y muchos están deseando volver a realizarlo para sentirse más cómodos con su dispositivo. Algunos participantes incluso se compraron un ordenador después de pasar por la sesión, al sentirse más cómodos en su capacidad de navegación. A continuación se presentan algunos de los comentarios de la encuesta posterior al curso.

Gabrielle PicenoAlfabetización Digital
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Boletín de noticias sobre el estado físico del vecindario

Mensaje del equipo de fitness del barrio

Mensaje del equipo de neighborhood Fitness



Gracias por su interés en las actividades de Neighborhood Fitness. Hay muchas cosas en marcha que quería compartir con ustedes. Mi esperanza es que juntos podamos invertir en su salud y bienestar - físico, mental, emocional, social y espiritual. Es un viaje y estoy agradecido de estar viajando junto a ti!

Gracias por interesarse en nuestras actividades. Hay muchas cosas que me gustaría compartirles. Espero que juntos podamos invertir en nuestra salud y bienestar: físico, mental, emocional, social y espiritual. Es todo un siento muy agradecida de poder acompañarte en esta jornada.
Blessings // Bendiciones


Jennifer SaldivarBoletín de noticias sobre el estado físico del vecindario
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