ENP Blog

Youth Digital Access and Literacy Survey Results

The memo below was released by the Fresno Coalition for Digital Inclusion, of which Every Neighborhood Partnership is a member.

The COVID-19 Pandemic illuminated the undeniable reality of the digital divide throughout Fresno County. When the pandemic hit, people needed to make a quick transition into the digital world. Digital connectivity and literacy obstacles proved to be widespread and the need for accurate qualitative and quantitative access data was essential.

In fall 2022, a survey was developed and distributed in hopes of capturing the experiences community members were having accessing the internet. This project provided a rare opportunity to hear from a demographic largely impacted by lack of internet access—our youth. The overwhelming response (928 youth ages 12-17 from 18 middle and high schools) included these highlights:

  • 21% couldn’t access the internet consistently.
  • 44% interpreted for their parents on Zoom/digital platforms or in telehealth appointments some or all the time it was needed.
  • 19% of students missed school to interpret for their parents and 7.6% missed work.

The Youth Digital Access and Literacy Report reinforces the importance of collecting qualitative data to drive decision making. The Fresno Coalition for Digital Inclusion recommends the following as solutions are developed across the county and state:

  1. Build infrastructure that increases verifiable internet speeds in urban areas of poverty and rural areas.
  2. Consider the number of children in specific community/neighborhood and the impact of multiple internet users in a household at the same time, especially in multi-family housing, when determining adequate speeds.
  3. Promote and expand opportunities in school for digital life skill development opportunities (filing taxes online, completing job applications, electronic banking, basic use of office software).  Youth consistently expressed a lack of knowledge in navigating digital spaces for work and life. Barriers can be removed through digital fluency curriculum and training.


Gabrielle was born in Fresno, grew up and went to college in Southern California, and moved back to Fresno in 2014. She has worked with churches and non-profits in Fresno, where she developed an interest in Christian Community Development and what God is doing in Fresno. She has since made Fresno her home alongside her husband Jordan and their son. She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

Gabrielle PicenoYouth Digital Access and Literacy Survey Results

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