Serving Our Schools

Resilience Based Community Development through Parent Cafes

In 2021 Every Neighborhood Partnership received a $50,000 grant from Kaiser to increase community resilience and trauma-informed behaviors by providing resident-led workshops.  ENP trained facilitators working in 3 different neighborhoods in Fresno to run Parent Cafe workshops and support groups.  The Parent Cafes were run by leaders from each neighborhood with participants from the community with whom they were already in relationship.  99 individuals went through these Parent Cafes.  Participants expressed through post-session surveys that they want to go through the course again and invite new friends to attend, as well as have the group continue beyond the original length of the course.  As a result, 4 out of 5 of the groups have been continuing to meet beyond the designated timeframe for the sessions because of the supportive relationships that developed through their time together.  

The 8-session Parent Cafe curriculum was developed by Brainwise Solutions with the goal of equipping parents and caregivers with tools to develop Resilience, Relationships, and Rebuilding in a supportive group environment.  It was created with the intent of having leaders from the community facilitate groups with a preventative approach rather than as a response after a family has gone through a specific traumatic incident.

Gabrielle PicenoResilience Based Community Development through Parent Cafes
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Alfabetización Digital

Mondays and Wednesdays from February 8 – March 4 ENP staff members Suzzy Pinal and Angie Conde led ENP’s first Spanish digital literacy class. COVID-19 has highlighted the need for basic training in computers and technology, especially among our Spanish-speaking neighbors. For 4 weeks, 12-30 students met over zoom to learn basic computer skills. The excitement as new skills were learned was palpable and the instructors enjoyed watching the students’ eyes light up as they understood new things.

All of the participants said they would recommend the course to a friend and many are eager to re-take the course to become more comfortable with their device. Some participants even bought a computer after going through the session, feeling more comfortable in their ability to navigate it. Below is some of the feedback from the post-course survey.

Gabrielle PicenoAlfabetización Digital
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Double Dose of Mentoring

When we embarked on this semester, I had an idea of how Literacy Mentoring might work virtually, but honestly, I was skeptical. However as the first semester came to a close, floods of sweet stories came pouring in. The overall theme is relationships. Literacy Mentoring 2020: light on the literacy, double dose of mentoring.

Jenessa CheemaDouble Dose of Mentoring
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How’s “Homeschool” Going?

We want to support those of you who are trying to navigate a new “homeschool” reality, while still juggling work and all of your other responsibilities…bless your heart. Whew.

Below are some of the most useful reading websites and resources we’ve found, feel free to share!

Hoping we all come out of this a little more well-read 🙂

Jenessa CheemaHow’s “Homeschool” Going?
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ENP is Giving Away Our Literacy Kit

Hi, Jenessa Hefler from ENP here! Coming to you virtually from my very yellow kitchen. I hope you all are staying safe and connected in these unprecedented times. In light of our schools being closed and many parents and kids at home trying to navigate a new homeschool life, we wanted to make our Literacy Mentor (LM) materials free and easily accessible to you. 

Download Literacy Mentor Kit Zip File

Jenessa CheemaENP is Giving Away Our Literacy Kit
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A Generation That Did Not Know Saturday Sports

The Bible reveals that leadership shapes the heart, mind, and actions of entire generations. The book of Judges reveals the complex and dynamic interrelationship between our collective human nature with leadership and God’s divine purpose. It is with this wide-angled perspective that I would like to discuss the ministry of Saturday Sports and its crucial role in the leadership of the Next-generation.

Brian SemsemA Generation That Did Not Know Saturday Sports
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From Volunteer to Staff

“This is Amy, the Saturday Sports Coordinator for ENP.”

You’ve probably read that if you’ve ever gotten an email from me. Since I am relatively new here (hired in August ‘18), I would bet that a majority of those reading have no idea who I am. Hopefully, some have at least seen me out and about leading an SS Orientation or assisting our staff at equipping events. The majority of what I do for ENP is coordinating Saturday Sports volunteers, leading out SS Orientations, and the planning and paperwork to keep SS organized. However, I also facilitate our Social Emotional hand-drumming program, Beat the Odds, at a couple of schools around Fresno. This is work that, sadly, most people don’t get to witness.

Amy SavageFrom Volunteer to Staff
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College and Elementary Students Working Together

ENP was birthed out of a church-school partnership which is why most people only know of ENP through church connections. But did you know that ENP also has the unique opportunity to impact our next generation of leaders through partnerships with Fresno State and Fresno City? Getting our college students involved on local elementary school campuses not only furthers our elementary students’ growth, but it also impacts the future careers, hearts, and direction of our young adult leaders.

Jenessa CheemaCollege and Elementary Students Working Together
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