
Register for One Small Step

If you are like me, you sense a growing divide in our country, state, and cities. We are at each other’s throats!

ENP has always been about the work of creating spaces for people from various backgrounds to cross paths, build relationships, and co-create the community that we want to live in.

ENP and StoryCorps welcomes residents in the Fresno/Central Valley area to apply to be matched with fellow residents from across the political divide for conversations about their lives – not about politics – through One Small Step. The conversation invites two people who don’t know each other—and may not think they have anything in common—to take a moment to discover their shared humanity. Let’s heal our community one courageous conversation at a time. 

andrewfeilRegister for One Small Step
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Asset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation

Every Neighborhood Partnership is rooted in a framework called Asset Based Community Development or ABCD for short. Any Community Based Organization that believes in Asset Based Community Development starts with a basic premise that local communities can do more together by choosing to focus on what they have — their gifts, talents, and community assets — instead of what they are missing.* Imagine how you view a glass of water that is half-way filled up. Is it empty or full?

ABCD is a way of both strengthening community social capital and organizing community change. While this serves as an initial baseline for how asset-based inspired organizations approach the work of community engagement, not all organizations that adopt the ABCD methodology end with the same goals. 

Germán QuiñonezAsset Based Community Development and How Organizations Implement It for Neighborhood Transformation
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Refunctioning Community Development

This article was written by former ENP intern Alexis Kalugin.

Over the last few decades, institutional community development has taken over the structure of most community functions.   Instead of finding ways to engage neighbors to be a voice of change in their community, most cities have put the burden of change on institutions. The problem with this narrative is that workers in schools, law enforcement, and healthcare are responsible for more community problems than they can handle.  There is no relationship between the institution and the community to understand each problem. This approach becomes one size fits all and leaves a gap between the institution and the citizens. 

Gabrielle PicenoRefunctioning Community Development
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Lions, Paper Tigers, and Bears Oh My!

Well, maybe it was just Paper Tigers! Paper Tigers is a documentary that follows a year in the life of an alternative high school in Walla Walla, Washington. The high school radically changed its approach to disciplining its students. It even became a promising model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence, and disease that affected its families. Watch the trailer below or check out the movie here.

Paper Tigers Trailer – KPJR Films from KPJR FILMS LLC on Vimeo.

The approach this school used is called a Trauma-Informed Care approach. Trauma-Informed Care is a paradigm shift that moves from judgment to compassion. From asking, “what’s wrong with that kid?” to asking, “I wonder what’s going on with this kid?”

Brian SemsemLions, Paper Tigers, and Bears Oh My!
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From Volunteer to Staff

“This is Amy, the Saturday Sports Coordinator for ENP.”

You’ve probably read that if you’ve ever gotten an email from me. Since I am relatively new here (hired in August ‘18), I would bet that a majority of those reading have no idea who I am. Hopefully, some have at least seen me out and about leading an SS Orientation or assisting our staff at equipping events. The majority of what I do for ENP is coordinating Saturday Sports volunteers, leading out SS Orientations, and the planning and paperwork to keep SS organized. However, I also facilitate our Social Emotional hand-drumming program, Beat the Odds, at a couple of schools around Fresno. This is work that, sadly, most people don’t get to witness.

Amy SavageFrom Volunteer to Staff
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What I Learned While Connecting Churches in Fresno/Clovis

In May of 2016 I was hired as the Church Relations Coordinator for Fresno City Fest through the Luis Palau Association. When I interviewed for the position I didn’t know how impacted I would be by this great opportunity.

My task seemed simple: “go and talk with churches.” I had been in ministry for over eight years. Go and talk with other people in ministry? I said to myself, “how hard can it be?”

Javier GarzaWhat I Learned While Connecting Churches in Fresno/Clovis
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Why Do People Volunteer?

The past few months have been an intense time of service in our city. If you had a chance to read our recent newsletter you saw the numbers: 42 churches, 2,500 volunteers, 19,000 volunteer hours.  It’s very evident that the people of Fresno and Clovis have the heart to love and serve our city. But why do people volunteer?

But why do people volunteer?

Carol YoungWhy Do People Volunteer?
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Meet Kristin . . . and be inspired!

One of the greatest joys of being a part of Every Neighborhood Partnership is the opportunity I have to meet some amazing people. I would like to introduce you to Kristin, a high school student who is giving back and inviting her friends and classmates at Bullard High to do the same!

Thanks for sharing your story, Kristin!

Carol YoungMeet Kristin . . . and be inspired!
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Us vs. Them: The Need for Unity in the Church

If there is anything that has become apparent in the latest national and political season, it is that we are a divided nation, politically and racially.

If you don’t trust me, just get on Facebook. Geez. The infighting, the name-calling – the distrust is clear. How are we supposed to change our neighborhood, city, nation or world if we think everyone else is the problem?

As we look for solutions, you would think the church of Jesus Christ would be an example of civility and unity, but sadly it isn’t.

Recent research shows 86% of congregations are made up of one predominant racial group. That may not be surprising, but what was to me is that most churchgoers were content with the ethnic status quo in an increasingly diverse world. We are fine being with people who are like us and who like us.[1]

andrewfeilUs vs. Them: The Need for Unity in the Church
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Bloom Where You’re Planted – Or Maybe Uproot Yourself

You have probably heard the short catchphrase, “Bloom where you are planted!” The phrase is meant to encourage us to dig deep into the areas where we live, work and play. But have we ever stopped to question the premise? Have we ever asked ourselves, “Where should I plant myself?”

andrewfeilBloom Where You’re Planted – Or Maybe Uproot Yourself
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