ENP Blog

Neighborhood Health and Wellness Impact Report

ENP’s Neighborhood Health and Wellness team has been hard at work this year with launching new programs and expanding current ones! Read our Impact Report of our Promotora/Community Health Worker program carried out in partnership with FCHIP (Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership) to learn more about the strives for holistic health being taken in our community.

Gabrielle PicenoNeighborhood Health and Wellness Impact Report
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DRIVE HUB Highlight: Martin Park

This week’s HUB Highlight is Martin Park located led by Oscar Rodriguez. We are thankful for their commitment to serving their community, especially through their excellent job of leading a Saturday Sports site at Webster Elementary.

In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Martin Park in the Webster Neighborhood? 

“To connect the social resources to the needs of the community and to build from the core that we are meeting the needs of others by standing in the GAP for generations to come. What change does our community want to see and how can we build a foundation to continue the efforts to bring civil change that will become beneficial.”

How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Webster neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a deeper way? 

“Drive is providing a template of what has been done for the last 10 years and giving hubs opportunity to not worry about salary and use the gifts that each org has a place at the table and learn from each other.”

How has ENP been of support to you and Martin Park? 

“ENP has been willing to walk with us and provide leadership and training to engage the Webster Community. ENP has done the work we are doing and has gone into uncharted territory to stand in the gap and share without bias feedback but with the best interest of having a positive impact and outcome.”

Up to this point, what is 1 thing that you would like to highlight & share with others? 

“I would like to share that we have the ability to see impact in many parts of Fresno with the hope to have more hubs with the effort of community members working together to give others the same respect and resources.”

“This photo shows the effort Drive has been helpful to the Webster community by providing and making opportunities for others to get involved. We started with our van being used to transport food boxes and now we have added a trailer because the need has grown. We have seen impact rise as, once we were a community that has been hurt and felt like they have been forgotten to now we are a community who is stepping out to help one another.”

Alexis KaluginDRIVE HUB Highlight: Martin Park
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DRIVE Hub Highlight: Generation Changers

Generation Changers in one of our DRIVE Hubs located in the Lincoln neighborhood. It is led none other than our very own Jason Spencer.

  • In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Generation Changers in the Lincoln Neighborhood? 
    • “Our vision is to empower Lincoln residents by teaching sustainable holistic life change, inspiring self-confidence through social interaction and equipping and developing generational leaders. Our goal is to develop a relationship with residents through listening sessions and provide a stage/opportunity for their voice to be heard.”
  • How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Lincoln neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a deeper way? 
    • “Being a hub in the neighborhood gives us a great opportunity to engage with community assets that serve in the Lincoln neighborhood. These community assets consist of individuals, associations, and institutions. Our goal is to create healthy and sustainable partnerships that can be a resource to our residents.”  
  • How has ENP been of support to you and Generation Changers? 
    • “ENP is a great support to our organization. ENP has given us a framework to work with through the ABCD approach. This approach is vital to our community engagement strategies. Also, ENP supports us in fulfilling our drive objectives and provides helpful and important resources.”
  • Up to this point, what is a victory that you would like to share with others? 
    • “One victory report is our organization has the opportunity to hire 4 part-time employees from the Lincoln neighborhood. Not only is this a first in our organization but now we are providing an economic resource to our neighborhood.”
Alexis KaluginDRIVE Hub Highlight: Generation Changers
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DRIVE HUB Highlight: Familias en Acción

This weeks HUB Highlight Familias en Acción in the Winchell Neighborhood led by Lilia Becerril.

  1. In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Familias en Acción in the Winchell Neighborhood? 
    • The vision of Familias en Acción is to be able to connect with the majority of the residents in the Winchell neighborhood and to build a strong network of local stakeholders (council-member office, elementary school partners, & local churches). The hope is to build resident and neighborhood capacity to achieve great changes in this community.
  1. How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Winchell neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a deeper way?
    •  The civic infrastructure initiative has given residents the opportunity to feel part of the process that gives them a voice to share their concerns and suggestions for neighborhood improvements.
  1. How has ENP been of support to you and Familias en Acción? 
    • ENP has supported us in many ways, for example; they provide us with educational work tools for community projects and coaching support to help us grow as leaders.
  1. Up to this point, what is 1 thing that you would like to highlight & share with others? 
    • We have been meeting with families to provide resources and support on how to advocate for their neighborhood. As a new organization this has been an important part of growth. We are actively trying to connect Winchell residents with their city leaders to have a seat at the table of decision making. 
HUB Leader, Lilia Becerril.
Alexis KaluginDRIVE HUB Highlight: Familias en Acción
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DRIVE Hub Highlight: Jackson CDC

Jackson CDC is one of our DRIVE Hub organizations led by Heidi White. Learn about what they do and how being a part of DRIVE has impacted their work. 

  1. In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Jackson CDC in the Jackson Neighborhood? 
    • Alongside our residents, we seek the cohesive well-being of the Jackson Neighborhood and it’s residents through community engagement, advocacy, and asset-based community development. In this season of work we are intently focused on 4 initiatives. First, we continue to build our resident-led neighborhood association as a way to capacitate neighbors in asset based community development best practices. Second, we assist Jackson Elementary in educational attainment initiatives. Third, we collectively implement resident imagined solutions that impact our neighborhood’s greatest needs. Fourth, we engage in resident-led strategic revitalization that partners with the City of Fresno for systemic change. 
  1. How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Jackson neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a deeper way? 
    • Being a DRIVE HUB has enabled us to hire additional staff who are also Jackson resident leaders to support the community development work we are doing in Jackson. This is allowing us to reach wider and deeper in our community through already established networks and relationships. DRIVE is also providing us with the encouragement, tools and support we need as we equip and empower residents to engage in being part of the solutions to the challenges facing the Jackson Neighborhood.
  1. How has ENP been of support to you and Jackson CDC? 
    • ENP has been helpful to provide training opportunities for our staff and residents, personalized coaching to help us achieve our goals, and they have created regular opportunities for us to connect with and learn from other DRIVE HUBS. 
  1. Up to this point, what is 1 thing that you would like to highlight & share with others? 
    • In the last few months, Jackson residents have been putting forth their best ideas for how to make the Jackson neighborhood a safer, better, and flourishing community. From a list of the top 16 resident-submitted ideas ranging from starting a community garden, to hosting block parties, to doing alley clean-ups, over 150 neighbors voted to focus their attention on making our neighborhood safer through a Safe Streets Initiative. We are in the preliminary stages of gathering resident concerns and their best solutions to tackle the challenges of cars making donuts in our intersections, speeding, and running stop signs. We are currently hosting community meetings and putting out a resident survey to activate all the gifts, skills, and best ideas of our residents to work towards a safer neighborhood. We are partnering with the Fresno Police Department and City Hall to address not just the safety issues facing our current residents, but to consider systemic changes that could be made to ensure future residents are equally safe. Seeing residents use their voices, passions, and skills to enact change in our neighborhood gives us fuel to continue in the work we are doing in the Jackson Neighborhood.
Heidi White, HUB Leader
Alexis KaluginDRIVE Hub Highlight: Jackson CDC
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DRIVE Hub Highlight: Fresno Street Saints

This week’s HUB Highlight is Fresno Street Saints located in the King neighborhood and led by Joby Jones.

  1. In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Fresno Street Saints in the King Neighborhood? When it comes to the DRIVE initiative, our vision for the King neighborhood is to reestablish that sense of being connected but ownership of their communities. Being the catalyst and spark that an individual needs empowering them to take up the responsibility to see change.
  2. How is being a DRIVE HUB in the King neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage your community in a deeper way? Being a DRIVE HUB enables us to engage in the community from a personal standpoint. it’s not about coming to our meetings or events. It is asking them to participate, be involved and speak up for your community.
  3. How has ENP been of support to you and Fresno Street Saints? ENP has been great, the 1-1 meetings, instructions and suggestions have all been valuable to keeping us on point when it comes to understanding what Drive is and what our role is.
  4. Up to this point, what is a victory that you would like to share with others? A victory that we have had is being able to bring on 3 people who are real community people willing to go out and embrace, engage and empower the community.
  5. Why should a church/organization apply to become a HUB within the DRIVE initiative? A church or organization should apply because of the interaction that it brings with the community.
Joby Jones, HUB Leader
Alexis KaluginDRIVE Hub Highlight: Fresno Street Saints
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Hub Highlight: Another Level Training Academy

We wanted to highlight one of our HUB highlights in the Webster Neighborhood led by Nia Hodge-Grier.

1. In light of DRIVE, what is the vision for Another Level Training Academy in the Webster Neighborhood? 

The vision for ALTA is to make lasting relationships in the community, creating spaces for the community to heal by taking ACE’s courses to relate to those who have been marginalized and not heard. ALTA desires to meet the community’s needs by showing members of the community how to leverage the gifts that they possess while allowing them to use their voice and stated needs. ALTA’s goal is to move the community from needing services to creating a vibrant ecosystem within the community they live. We hope that this will become a trend in the community for generations to come.  

2. How is being a DRIVE HUB in the Webster neighborhood providing an opportunity to engage in your community in a more profound way? 

Being a DRIVE HUB in Webster has challenged ALTA to take a more creative approach to reach residents. ALTA is learning new ways to leverage relationships and connect with organizations amid people hesitant because of COVID. ALTA is connecting with youth in the community through educational institutions to draw the seasoned members of the community to the table. ALTA  is learning to lean into this work and allowing the community to lead with what they desire for the community they live.

3. How has ENP been of support to you and Another Level Training Academy? 

ENP has been an enormous support to me by leading with transparency and letting me know that we are all learning as we go. In addition, ENP has been good about referring the information on additional training to help ALTA grow in the capacity it needs to serve the community further. I am very comfortable moving into the DRIVE initiative having the support from ENP to help us thrive internally and externally. I am confident that ALTA will continue to thrive with the support of ENP.

4. Up to this point, what is one thing you would like to highlight & share with others? 

The Highlight of the  DRIVE initiative is the effort being put forth to ensure that this initiative is diverse, inclusive, and practical. 

Hub Leader, Nia Hodge-Grier.
Alexis KaluginHub Highlight: Another Level Training Academy
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Sustaining Physical Activity in the Community During COVID-19

*This report is taken from the PEARS Success Story ID 23330

In partnership with the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH) and Every Neighborhood Partnership (ENP), the Central Valley Health Policy Institute (CVHPI) has conducted a series of interviews with Latin Dance instructors before the COVID-19 pandemic and shortly after the shelter-in-place mandate was lifted. The initial interviews conducted in 2019 were aimed at understanding how the program has expanded, identifying challenges, and linking the program to resources. There were nine (n=9) Latin Dance instructors who were interviewed and provided input on these topics. Shortly thereafter, the pandemic struck and the opportunity to report findings back to the community was put to a halt. In the month of June 2021, follow-up interviews were conducted with the Latin Dance instructors to assess the current state of the project and how best to move forward. A total of five interviews were conducted with the Latin Dance instructors. On June 30th, 2021, the CVHPI met with  the FCDPH, ENP, and the Latin Dance instructors who were interviewed to report back findings and ensure that all ideas were captured. The following is a summary of both findings from all interviews as well as topics that came forward during fruitful discussions with the Latin Dance instructors. 

Gabrielle PicenoSustaining Physical Activity in the Community During COVID-19
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The last 5 years have been a wake-up call for many in the Church to issues of race and justice.

Join Larry Hodges (Northpointe Community Church), Jessica Criner (St Rest Church), and Andrew Feil (ENP+Midtown Vineyard Church) in a six-week in-person LivingUNDIVIDED class.

To register click here.

Alexis KaluginLivingUNDIVIDED
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