ENP Blog

How Do We Get at Effective Outreach?

Every once and awhile we want to send you out from the ENP Blog for something that is not only really good but someone we think you can continue to learn from. Ed Stetzer’s piece on outreach is one of those articles. Ed is a writer, pastor, and missiologist. His writings have greatly influenced our work. Please check out one of his recent posts.

As the mission field changes, churches will change. | ED STETZER

I frequently get asked about the future of outreach. Let me be honest, and perhaps you already know this: outreach will not get any easier.

Let me share at least three reasons why I believe this is the case.

First, our culture will continue to experience a decrease in nominal …

Continue reading the full article here.

andrewfeilHow Do We Get at Effective Outreach?
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ENP Feature Interview on KFSR

Every Neighborhood Partnership was featured this past week on KFSR’s Fresno State Service In Action radio segment.

Listen Here

KFSR is hosted by Chris Fiorentino. Outside of our Executive Director, Artie Padilla, the interview also featured Fresno Unified School District Mentoring and Alliance Program Coordinator Darrin Person and Fresno State student (and ENP volunteer) Kimberly Tenbergen.You can learn more about their podcast on their Facebook page or website.

Thanks for the interview!

andrewfeilENP Feature Interview on KFSR
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Where Differences are Made

Kyle Godfrey started attending the Powers-Ginsburg Saturday Sports Program when it began in the fall of 2009. He was just out of the sixth grade. Since then, he has become a volunteer for the program, where his focus has shifted from competition and entertainment to making a difference in the lives of children who currently attend.

Leah BighamWhere Differences are Made
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Why Do People Volunteer?

The past few months have been an intense time of service in our city. If you had a chance to read our recent newsletter you saw the numbers: 42 churches, 2,500 volunteers, 19,000 volunteer hours.  It’s very evident that the people of Fresno and Clovis have the heart to love and serve our city. But why do people volunteer?

But why do people volunteer?

Carol YoungWhy Do People Volunteer?
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Free Little Libraries – A Good Way to Neighbor

The Little Free Library network in Shafter (15 miles northwest of Bakersfield, CA) has blossomed to include 22 libraries scattered around town. These libraries are an intentional effort on the part of both public and private entities. These entities want to increase book access and literacy rates in their community. Read our previous blog about them here.

About a year ago, my family made the decision to place a Little Free Library in our front yard. As stewards, we fill our box with books and watch with joy as they leave in the hands of our neighbors.

We leave sidewalk chalk in our box and regularly find pictures and thank you notes from those who visit. These messages always brighten our day!

A few months after we installed our library one of our 3rd-grade neighbor boys ran to our house after realizing he was locked out of his. He had no way to get in and was very concerned.

andrewfeilFree Little Libraries – A Good Way to Neighbor
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CityServe Leaders Meeting – June 20th

Now that CityServe has wrapped up we want to gather to debrief and also consider ways we can consider mobilizing our bodies.

We will talk about some new tools that are being developed (hint: audio drive tour of Fresno), as well has hear from local non-profits and city staff for ways you can connect your people together.

This will be an interactive and informative meeting.

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

See you there!

– Artie Padilla, CityServe Steering Committee

Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm
Address: 4141 Ministries (4141 N Fresno St, Fresno, CA, 93726)
Cost: No Cost
More Info: https://cityserve-nextsteps.eventbrite.com

Register Today!

andrewfeilCityServe Leaders Meeting – June 20th
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Preterm Birth, Infant Mortality & Neighborhood Life

Two years ago I was asked to sit on a steering committee focused on learning why Fresno County has such a high amount of preterm babies (born before 37 weeks gestation). We were also pondering why our African-American moms were losing their babies at a rate that matches those of under-developed countries in Africa.

You may wonder what preterm birth and infant mortality have to do with ENP and it’s work in our schools and neighborhoods.

Artie PadillaPreterm Birth, Infant Mortality & Neighborhood Life
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Free Little Libraries – Spreading Literacy

ENP has made a significant investment in addressing literacy in our city. Literacy Mentoring has taken off at several schools, with both one on one and group literacy support. As we continue in this work we know we have to address literacy from several fronts so we are excited about this new literacy initiative.

Free Little Libraries.

One of the biggest challenges for low-income families with regard to literacy is the lack of access to books in the household.

Sixty-one percent of low-income families have no books at all in their homes for their children. That includes children and adult books! What we know is that the only measure that correlates significantly with reading scores is the number of books in the home. An analysis of a national dataset of nearly 100,000 United States school children found that access to printed materials—not poverty—is the “critical variable affecting reading acquisition.” This is not just a home issue, but a neighborhood issue. One study found that in middle-income neighborhoods the ratio is 13 books per child; in low-income neighborhoods, the ratio is one book for every 300 children. (1)

andrewfeilFree Little Libraries – Spreading Literacy
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