Blog de la PEV

El impacto del amor y dos horas a la semana

Durante los últimos 5 años, estas señoras han estado trabajando con los niños de 1er y 2do grado en la escuela primaria Addams con niños que están luchando con los sonidos de las letras o simplemente necesitan un poco de ayuda extra para ponerse al día con el resto de su clase. Ellas están haciendo un impacto en las vidas de estos niños! La mayoría (no todos) son maestros jubilados que están haciendo lo que sus "corazones de maestros" aman hacer... ¡ayudar a los niños a aprender!

Carrol McCrumb came up with the idea for this group after she retired. She had the desire to continue teaching but just didn’t have the ability to be on her feet all day – every day.  So she came up with a plan, gathered 4 other ladies and created a reading intervention group with each lady volunteering one morning a week.

Carrol said, “I’m doing this is because we all need to serve the Lord.  God gave me the gift of teaching and knows I can still do it in a small giving way.  He equipped me with the gift of organizing and sharing what I know about children and how they learn. He can still use me.”

Carrol concluded by saying that anyone who has a passion for children can do this and make a difference in their lives. “These children not only need to learn their letter sounds and begin to read, but they need love! We fall in love with the children, and to see them learn and bloom is a joy for us.”

Children who know how to read are on a path to a brighter future. Together we can make an impact. We also have the opportunity to let these kids know they are loved and valued, important to us, and to this world we live in. These kids are our next generation of leaders – well worth investing in!

We really can change the game for these kids! Find out more about becoming a Literacy Mentor.  Training, placement and support provided.  You won’t get a paycheck, but will be compensated with smiles and hugs and you will feel like a hero.  

You can change the game for these kids. . . and we guarantee that the experience will change you.

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Interested?  . . . contact us!  We would love to chat!


Carol creció en Tigard, Oregón, y tomó el camino más largo posible hasta Fresno pasando por Suiza, África e Indonesia. Le apasiona el aprendizaje temprano y ayudar a los niños a realizar los dones que Dios les ha dado para que puedan ser grandes líderes en su comunidad. Le encanta pasar tiempo con sus 3 hijos y 8 nietos, y disfruta de la jardinería, haciendo manualidades y criando pollos.

Carol YoungEl impacto del amor y dos horas a la semana

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