Neighborhood Presence

Loving Your Neighbor – 2 Free Resources!

There is a growing movement across our nation to something that is both incredibly simple yet extremely difficult. Loving Your Neighbor.

It is one of the two key commands Jesus gave, but in our mobile 21st-century context we have lost the art of loving (or even knowing) our literal next door neighbors. God has uniquely created you and placed you to be His connection to a disconnected world. You are sent by God to be a light to your neighbors.

Several local churches have created resources that they want to make available to you to help make this happen!

andrewfeilLoving Your Neighbor – 2 Free Resources!
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God’s Calling… Reasons and Encouragement to Answer

Have you ever had a feeling that you’re being called to something? Something that might be beneficial (for you, for your community, for your family, for God’s Kingdom, etc.), but something that might be challenging, time-consuming or daunting?

About two months ago, my husband and I relocated from North Fresno into the Jackson Neighborhood. My new neighborhood is not as “desirable”, by most standards, as my previous neighborhood. If you had told me a few years ago that I’d make that move, I’d have said “Sorry, I think you have the wrong person.”

Becca GottseligGod’s Calling… Reasons and Encouragement to Answer
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“This is so much fun!” I cherish those words I heard from students on my first day as a volunteer at Ericson Saturday Sports!

ENP’s mission is to “to connect churches and community partners to elementary schools and to equip them to serve through their active presence in every neighborhood.” What it boils down to is being a better neighbor.

andrewfeil“THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!”
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Throughout the year we have the privilege AND JOY to work alongside so many people who have a heart for our city! We are thankful for each one of them and blessed as we watch the many ways folks are engaging our city, and so generously giving their time, gifts, talents and treasures to invest in the lives of children, families and schools in our Fresno neighborhoods.

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Saturday Sports leaders & volunteers
who give up a few hours on their Saturday mornings to spend time with kids.

30 Saturday Sports Programs
average of 1500 kids each week

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Volunteers who help out during the week in classrooms and on school campuses.

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Thanks to churches who are more than just a building in the neighborhood, but seeking ways to bless children and families while serving with a giving heart to show Christ’s love to our city.

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Drivers who deliver lunches to Saturday Sports

Photographers who help us capture the JOY

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Community Partners
who share the same vision for a thriving city!

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Fresno State and Fresno Pacific students who add energy & enthusiasm to Saturday Sports & as tutors in classrooms

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Parents who are volunteering (investing) in their neighborhoods and schools; a simple way for them to grow and exercise their residential leadership.

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Young people who are volunteering while becoming leaders and role models in their communities

 to  those who support ENP financially!
Individuals, churches, Businesses and foundations make it possible for ENP to continue equipping and connecting people who have a heart to serve, with opportunities to invest in a city that we all love.

As we serve, we learn about each other, and we learn more about ourselves. We understand and appreciate the unique diversity of our city and grow to love the people who become a rich part of our lives!

So much of giving comes from a thankful heart. It TRULY is “in giving that we receive”. Ask anyone who spends time with kids and families in our partnership neighborhoods! The blessings are huge!


May YOU be truly blessed
as you give thanks this week!

From all of us at ENP!

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True Neighborhood Presence

World Impact is a national organization that plants missionaries in neighborhoods for the purpose of them being salt and light in that community. Here in Fresno ENP works with several World Impact families.

The Contreras family has been faithfully serving in the Hidalgo neighborhood for several years. They remodeled a small, older apartment and turned the first floor into a Recreation Center which is used for week long outreaches to kids and families in the neighborhood. They host after school programs, game nights, Bible Clubs, parent gatherings and summer programs.

Most recently they teamed up with Northside Church to host a very large Block Party for the community. They closed the street and had bounce houses, basketball games, carnival type activities, face painting and live music. Over 600 residents participated in the event and they all walked away with some fresh produce, prizes, a full stomach and most importantly, a knowledge that there’s a safe place in the community that they can come to when there’s a need in their family.

ENP is proud to support the Contreras family and their year round efforts. They are providing true neighborhood presence in the Hidalgo Neighborhood.

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andrewfeilTrue Neighborhood Presence
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