ENP Blog

Luis Palau Series 4: Literacy and a Child’s Pathway to Success

Every Neighborhood Partnership is partnering with the Luis Palau National group to create a six-month series that describes our work in the city. Below is the fourth post in the series from our Literacy Mentor Director, Jenessa Hefler.

Last month, Brian Semsem broke down fun and play, ENP’s recreation and resilience building programs. This month we will look at literacy and a child’s pathway to success. Our goal to see every 3rd Grader reading at grade level.

The Stats

Many of us have heard the myth that prisons are built based on third-grade reading scores. It has since been debunked, but sadly, the underlying idea has some truth in it. Data shows that children who cannot read by third grade are four times less likely to graduate than students who can read by third grade [1]. Furthermore, high school dropouts are three times more likely to be incarcerated than their graduating counterparts [2]. Literacy is not a stand-alone issue. Race, income level, and parental education all play a role as well. For example, one-third of low-income African-American and Hispanic students who did not read proficiently by the end of third grade failed to graduate. That is twice as many as their white student counterparts [3].

So where does Fresno stand in all of this?

42% of California 3rd graders are reading proficiently.

38% of Fresno County 3rd graders are reading proficiently

28% of Fresno Unified 3rd graders are reading proficiently [4]


Feeling overwhelmed yet?

At ENP, we firmly believe our education system can’t do it alone. If we want to see these statistics changed, it takes all of us. Parents, professionals, businesses, churches, community members, educators, and college students working together to support our youngest generation. Stories like this one give me hope that when a community comes together, children thrive.

The Impact of the Church

Currently, we are playing our role by partnering churches with elementary schools and training these church volunteers to work with kids on early literacy skills. What I love most about my job is seeing individuals engage and invest in their neighborhood schools. I love hearing stories of volunteers who gather for coffee after mentoring to debrief and share ideas on how to help their lowest readers succeed. Or of mentors who bring in special prizes and treats to encourage their kids. Most of all I love seeing mentors build a strong relationship with teachers and end up giving extra time to volunteer. They even ask to pray with the teachers. Christ’s love shines brightly through our church volunteers. Although they often go unapplauded, our volunteers’ consistency, love, and attitude speak volumes.

Through our church partnerships, we impacted over 400 students’ literacy skills last year. But with over 70,000 students in Fresno Unified, there’s still a lot more to be done. We encourage you to play your role in the lives of the children God has placed around you. Give an encouraging word or high-five. Build or donate towards a Little Library. Read with your grandkids. Every little bit helps. Pray for and love on the kids in your life and ask that God continue to deepen and expand your heart and your reach.

“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1st John 3:18

Great Sources


Jenessa grew up in Madera, CA and then went on to UC Davis for her BS and University of the Pacific for an MA in Instruction and Curriculum. But where she really learned the most is during her three years in Memphis, TN as a 1st-grade teacher in the Orange Mound Community. God used the difficulties of the job, relationships with the community, and the distance from all familiarity to humble, break, and remold her heart and life. Since returning to the Central Valley in 2016, she is passionate about supporting teachers, students, and parents in pursuing an equitable and excellent education for all. Jenessa married her college sweetheart, Kushmin, in March 2022 and their daughter Ariadne was born a year later. Together they love to try new foods, take their dog Hera on walks, and go on adventures with friends.

Jenessa CheemaLuis Palau Series 4: Literacy and a Child’s Pathway to Success

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