
What I Learned Interning at ENP


Blog from former ENP Intern – Lydia Dawson

When people ask me where I am from, I pause, unsure which place I would call home. I have moved enough times that I have never felt rooted, and I have come to be content, enjoying my own company and taking comfort in God’s permanence. Before my internship at ENP, I would have said that I would leave the Central Valley as soon as I graduated from Fresno State. I have grown comfortable in my transience; getting involved in many different things, meeting many different people, and looking forward to my next change. I have grown to fear commitment.

andrewfeilWhat I Learned Interning at ENP
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God Doesn’t Take a Vacation

We made it to the end of another school year! Phew!

Summer is always a good time for me to PAUSE (and rest), REFLECT (and evaluate) PLAN (and dream for the year ahead).  At the end of the school year I am always ready for a little break. But it didn’t take long for God to remind me that He does NOT take a summer vacation and is still prompting my heart.

Carol YoungGod Doesn’t Take a Vacation
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poner mi granito de arena

poner mi granito de arena
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contribute my grain of sand
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As a high school student in my hometown of Madera, I began to participate in my community. I volunteered with various nonprofits, particularly those that engaged with immigrant and farm working families. I had a heart for people, and discovered my passion for serving.

andrewfeilponer mi granito de arena
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“This is so much fun!” I cherish those words I heard from students on my first day as a volunteer at Ericson Saturday Sports!

ENP’s mission is to “to connect churches and community partners to elementary schools and to equip them to serve through their active presence in every neighborhood.” What it boils down to is being a better neighbor.

andrewfeil“THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!”
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The Privilege I Never Knew I Had

So much ink has been spilled recently around the racial tension that has been swamping our nation. This is politically and theologically charged stuff. I do not write this thinking I will convince you of anything, but to just share how I came to a paradigm-shifting idea of my own privilege and what it means to live and love like Jesus.

andrewfeilThe Privilege I Never Knew I Had
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